~Bus Ride~

810 31 67

"(Y/n), we're leaving in 30 minutes. "Are you awake yet?" Shinobu knocked on your door, semi-yelling, since you were still partly sleeping. "Huhh?...Leave? "What are you going?" You replied, your voice muffled by the pillow.

"Are you serious?" She asked, sighing before entering your room without notice and pointed at her watch. "Shit!" You yelled, immediately climbing out of your warm bed, putting the comfortable feeling aside. You dragged your white suitcase out of your closet and rolled it to the front door. Quickly splashing water onto your face along with some basic skincare, you put on some light natural makeup afterward.

"(Y/nn), dress warmly. It's around 30 degrees Fahrenheit there!" Mitsuri reminded you from across the hall, putting sunscreen on her face. "Got it!" Cheerfully responding back, you excitedly stuff daily utensils into your suitcase. 

"I'm gonna go load our luggage into the bus. It's a white bus in the main parking lot, you won't miss it," Shinobu said as she dragged her bag out the front door. You nodded back at her, wiping a slight perspiration from your brow as you looked around your room for anything you had forgotten to bring.

Spotting the charger still plugged into the wall, you sighed in relief. Without that, it's basically impossible to live. 

"By the way, it's almost three our drive. Did you bring any snacks?" Yoriichi sudden firm voice surprised you, as you immediately turned back to face him. "Three hours? Gosh...I forgot about snacks. Um...did you?" You asked in a hopeful tone. 

He only gave a childish grin before delving into his white zip-up jacket's pockets. He slowly pulled out packages of mini snacks; Pocky sticks, jelly candy, chocolate crackers...your eyes shined. 

"Are those...for me?" You asked hopefully, walking towards him, as if the snacks had a magnetic force attached, and were dragging you towards it. "Duh, why else would I show you them?" He replied with a chuckle, handing them into your arms. 

Happily thanking him, you stuffed them into your bag and rolled out your suitcase to the front door. 

"Ready to leave?" He asked, following you. "Yep!" Replying, you walked in the hallway with him, watching other students leaving their dorms with similar suitcases. 

"Excited?" He casually questioned as he checked his watch. "Mhmm, definitely. And for the snacks too. I just hope I don't catch a cold in the snow." You replied, giggling. "I have more snacks...I ran to the convenience store last night to buy some," he whispered into your ear. He looked around to make sure nobody heard that and start asking him for snacks. 

You felt his hot breath tickling against the side of your neck, sending a slight shiver. "More? Hmm...share with the poor?" You joked, nudging him. 

"Only for you." 

You felt yourself going uncontrollably silent after those words he said. "O-only?..." You questioned quietly, unable to accept. 

"Hmm? Yea, Shinobu and the others ate up all my remaining snacks already," he said with a dramatic pouty face. His response somehow added a little confusing disappointment to you. 

'Quit overthinking...' You fidgeted with your thumbs, thinking to yourself. "You okay?" He inquired innocently, casting a casual glance at you. Words almost felt inadequate to describe the combination of emotions you were experiencing right now.

His compassion makes you feel good, yet the words he just uttered before make you feel friend-zoned...but isn't that what your relationship with him is right now? Friends?

You were having second thoughts about this complicated relationship...at least for yourself. 

"Mhmm, just still sleepy from waking up early," you quickly said, pretending to yawn. 

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