Chapter 33

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Akaza was sitting on a branch on some tree while staring at the moon. He sighed, some unsettling feeling throbbing in his heart. It's been a week almost that Y/n was out in that village which he had no idea about. He had tried searching for the village and finally he had got sone traces of Y/n's scent on the path in front of him. He sighed before jumping off the tree and sprinting on the path that lead him to the village where he could possibly find his Y/n.

The moon shone brightly casting its light through the window that was kept open by Y/n who was clearing the room in which the ladies were working in. She was still in the sewing store trying to draw some more designs. There was an unsettling feeling that wouldn't go even if she tried shrugging it off. She felt like something was about  to happen, it was like the current peace was just the calm before the storm.

And then, BOOM!

Y/n startled before she ran outside only to see people running and then the smoke that was coming from the direction where the guest house was. Then she heard a bell being struck which only meant that there was a demon attack.

She saw a man who was currently trying to help people flee and ran towards him, "where are the people evacuating to?" She urgently asked while her eyes skipped from his to the people running. "We're going to the safest spot of the village where there are no demons since the demons have blocked the path of our escape!" He cried and she nodded before running and picking up a weapon that someone might have left while in a hast.

"I'll help!" She said and broke the stick so that the knife attached on the top of the stick was gone. She removed her haori and tore it before tying it on the top of the stick and then ran back in the building where she had seen some lubricant for lighting up fire. She dipped the clothe in it before lighting it up and running back outside.

She took in a deep breath before sprinting towards the huge fish demon which was blocking the path of  the people from escaping. The men were trying to stab the demon with the spears but the demon didnt budge only roaring and throwing the people off with one blow.

Y/n ran and stood right behind the demon before hitting the demon with the spear lighting with fire. The demon roared in pain and turned towards her. "Don't worry about me! Get to the spot where you all are supposed to go!" She shouted out before running with the demon chasing close behind while she could hear shouts of 'Arigatos' and 'we'll be waiting for you nee san!' She smiled whilst continued running before she felt some other person too beside her.

"My mom has raised me to be a better man who respects and helps people! We are indebted to you, nee san. Let me carry you on my back so that we can get out of here as soon as possible!" He shouted and Y/n nodded before they both haulted so that Y/n could climb on his back.

As soon as they did the demon attacked them but the guy swiftly dodged it along with Y/n who was surprised by his skills. "Arigato-" "let's leave the Arigatos for later." He beamed and continued running towards where the guest house was. "Why are we running that side?" She asked, "Haganezuko san is still there! We'll take him with us!" He said and Y/n nodded while smiling at the kind hearted guy.

The fish demon was no more chasing which allowed both of them to breath a sigh of relief. They both reached to the workshop where Haganezuko san could be supposedly present. The guy who helped Y/n was now knocking on the door continuously, "Haganezuko san! I'm Kenji here! Please open the door Haganezuko san we shall flee away as soon as possible!" He shouted while practically banging the door but no response came. He sighed before turning his head toward Y/n but she was no where around him. This dreaded him and he began shouting her name but when he got no reply he punched the wall.

'Haganezuko san and Y/n san both are gone!' He cried blaming himself for not saving those who he could.


Tanjiro was trembling violently, the relentless shock waves from the demon's attack surging through his body. Moments earlier, they had been in a room peacefully discussing with the Mist Hashira when a demon burst in. After being beheaded, the demon had split into two forms, and one of them used its shock wave technique against Tanjiro, causing him immense pain. Just as he was on the brink of losing consciousness, the shock waves suddenly ceased. Weakly, he turned his head to see Genya, who had shot the demon in the head, and Y/n, who had managed to cut through the shock waves by hurling a wooden plank at the demon’s stick, forcing it to release its grip.

Y/n had heard Tanjiro's cries and rushed to the guest house, now partially destroyed. Sprinting up to the second floor, she found Tanjiro and Nezuko trapped under the demon’s attack. Her sharp eyes focused on the demon’s stick, and she deduced that it was the source of the shock waves. Quickly, she grabbed a wooden plank and threw it at the stick, causing the demon to lose its hold and the shock waves to stop.

The demon, now infuriated, glared at her. Before Y/n could react, another demon with green, glowing eyes and a sinister smirk grabbed her hands from behind, pinning them securely. He forced her to face him, leaning in close to her ear.

“You’re quite a pretty human,” he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. “We’ll enjoy devouring you!” He chuckled darkly, his breath hot against her skin. Y/n shuddered in fear and disgust, but the demon’s grip was unyielding.

“Leave Y/n-san!” Tanjiro shouted, struggling to break free, but he was seized by a winged demon who carried him away, his figure disappearing into the sky.

“Nezuko! Stay here and help Y/n and Genya!” Tanjiro called out as he was taken away, leaving Nezuko behind.

The demon holding Y/n, his face still close to hers, licked her neck, his tongue sliding up to her ear. Y/n screamed in horror and revulsion.

“Sekido! Hand over your stick for a moment!” the demon demanded with a smirk.

“Why do you need it?!” Sekido retorted angrily but complied, throwing his stick to the demon before growing another stick from his hand.

“I want to make her suffer,” the demon declared, kneeling beside Y/n and pressing the bottom of the stick against the dip of her neck. As he sat next to her, his body brushed against hers, heightening her fear and discomfort.



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