Part 1

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It was a pleasant Sunday morning which begun with the chirping of birds. The sunlight entering the room interrupted the sleep of Evelyn, which was followed by yelling of Sia.

Sia: Eve!! Did u eat my ice cream last night?!

Evelyn: *groans* u realise that it's a Sunday and I'm trying to get my beauty sleep after solving the most difficult case possible?

Sia: Well..that's half wrong cuz we solved it together! And can u please answer if you had my ice cream or not?

Evelyn: well yes maybe.

Sia: *death stare* you know what that means-

They were interupted by  a loud argument heard in the study room.
Evelyn and sia ,the curious heads went to the study room as they heard loud noises they both peered their heads at the door trying to eavesdrop.

Andrew Mathews ( Evelyn's dad ): I said I have tried my best!! I still couldn't do it and South Korea's goverment is relying on us...what are we supposed to do?!

Thomas Addison (Sia's dad): Andrew, I understand and I know we both have tried everything..but I'm sure there must be a clue. No matter how intellectual the killer might be we will find a way out, have faith man.

Andrew: I'm going nuts! What does bogsu and that weird symbol mean? We have tried everything. Now the only option is to go to South Korea and make assumptions based on the crime sights.

Thomas: True. But we can't go there now. We have so much responsibility...the only option is to send our kids there..what do you say?

Andrew: Huh? We! Their parents weren't able to solve the case after so much investigation! And you really think that those kids can do any better? For real?!

*Eve was very interested in the conversation so she was trying to peer her head more towards the door and that is when sia took the opportunity and pushed eve forward ,eve in order to save herself from falling held sia's hand and they both fell into the room
They laughed akwardly and tried to run away but were stoped by their dad's voices*

Andrew - Sia, Evelyn get in .
*They awkwardly went in*
Thomas: so my two little freakheads we have a very special mission for u.
Evelyn- c'mon dad we just completed one last night .

Thomas: i know dear, but it's very important and u guys would learn a lot from this mission. So I need u both to be very carefull, as this could be very dangerous. I need you to contact us anytime if you are in danger okay.

Sia- what is the mission exactly?

Andrew: Lemme explain. There is a serial killer in South Korea who has killed 4 people in a span on 2 weeks. It's the most rapid crime that we have ever encountered. The only clue that we have is that, who ever was killed had a symbol resembling Dragon and the killer leaves a not beside the victim with another unknown symbol and the word "bogsu" written on it which mean revenge in Korean. That's the best we have managed to investigate.

Thomas: See kids, I know it's a tough one this time but whenever you need help the Korean government will provide it and we are here to suggest if needed.

*Sia and Evelyn agree to do the mission and go to their room to pack their belongings as the flight was due the next day*

In their room:

Evelyn: Hey! That's my scrunchie, give it back!!

Sia: oh yeah? Remember you lil thief ate my ice cream last night? Now its mine.

Evelyn: ugh fine whatever.

*They quarrel while packing the bags and finally go to bed*

Yeah so this is what happens when you live with your siblings. Hope you guys liked part 1 of Revenge At Twilight.
Stay tuned cuz there are more mysteries to unlock and clues to find.

Love from E and S 💗

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