Part 4

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* After Edward and Ethan left them,Sia and Evelyn rushed back to the university at the crime scene where they find Min joon present already *

Min joon - " you guys finally decided to show up ."

Evelyn-  * shows her watch to him * " you see this ,the time? Atleast we showed up ."

Sia- *interrupts Evelyn * " sorry we were just caught up with two guys from our university "

Min joon- * groans*
" I just found this note have a look at it"
* Sia and Evelyn read the note *
Sia- " bogsu?"
"Doesn't it mean......revenge?"

Min joon - " umm i didn't ask you  for the meaning of the word your duty is to tell me who the killer is !!"

Evelyn -"mister joon !! You are a detective and you were here before us so i think you might definitely know something about the note so, go ahead explain it to us"

Min joon - " ahhhh- uhhh-umm well uh the thing is I didn't really read the note so - "

Evelyn -" what sir, cat got your tongue, being a detective,  it's your duty to investigate and i think your well aware of it."

Min joon - " i have to go i have some work to do."
*Leaves abruptly*

Sia-*staring at the note *" 11,1,14,7  what does it mean"

Evelyn- " ugh sia look at the time our brain is not gonna work anyway let's go home and think about it tomorrow."

*Sia and Evelyn go back to home*

*the next morning sia and Evelyn were running late but somehow managed to reach the class in time*

*the teacher arrives *

Teacher- " so class it's a good news we will have seat shuffling today. So I want you guys to come one by one and pick a chit from this box."

*Everyone does as the teacher says and goes to their respective seat numbers *

*Everything looked pleasent except Ari sitting beside Edward. Evelyn sat beside Ethan and sia beside bora*

Ari-" damn edie see even the universe wants us to be together."

Edward-" umm first of all my name is Edward not edie and secondly even if the universe wants us to be together I'm not interested"

Ari-" ohh edie just look into my eyes , you will see the love I'm carrying for you. Anyone can tell that we are made for each other, a pair made in - "
Edward - "I'm not interested in fairytales ,I would rather do math ."

*Evelyn who was sitting behind Edward and says*

Evelyn -" anyways math makes more sense than her words"

Ari-" what did you just say you little brat!!!!"

Evelyn -" ohh you poor little thing ,what you gonna do now? cry? awww i can get you some candy"

*Ari stands up and leaves in anger*
*the teacher enters and the class begins .Ari was gone for the whole time*

Teacher -" so students I expect you to do the homework by tomorrow and Edward can you have the files delivered to the staff room"

*Edward nodes and leaves*

*Edward didn't return and the teacher was worried so she sent sia to look for him*

*Meanwhile Edward was about to leave the teacher's room and that is when Ari grabbed his hand and pulled him back *

Edward -" Ari!!! What the hell!! ?"

Ari-" shhhhh my little prince charming ,*she grabs him and pins him onto the wall* " you and i are all alone...."

Edward -" Ari the teacher is waiting I have to go back"

Ari-* Ari comes close to his face*
" What's the rush handsome ...."* Comes even more closer*

Edward -* moves far from her * " have you lost your mind " * Ari steps closer to him and pulls his collar and smatches her lips on his *

*Meanwhile sia ,who was searching for Edward opens the staff room to see if he was there and was shocked by the scenario in front of her*

* Edward was froze ,Ari let's go of him *

*Sia - " i- i didn't mean to interrupt I'm sorry "

*she immediately rushes out of the room*

* Edward runs behind sia and grabs her hand*

*Edward - " sia wait let me explain i - i didn't - didn't mean to "

Sia-* pulls her hand away* " you don't have to explain I'm sorry the teacher had asked me to look for you so I was there."

*Edward grabs both her hands *

Edward -" please sia listen to me"

*Ari comes there and pulls Edward*
ari-" ohh wait so you want tell her that were secretly dating ,right Edie?"

* Sia immediately runs away with tears in her eyes and enters the girls washroom*

Sia-" why am I crying ?!! It doesn't even matter I don't care"

*Sia gets a phone call so she immediately wipes away her tears and picks up the call and after the conversation she immediately leaves. She messages Evelyn that she's on her way to Min joon in the car*

*Evelyn reaches Min joon's cabinet after a while and she heard voices of sia shouting inside*

sia-" excuse me!!? how can you insult us Min joon, you are a detective too you could have done the work too!but no! you just wanna sit and enjoy the privileges and on the other hand me and my sister are struggling day and night to find the serial killer!! Then when higher authorities pressurise you ,you vent your anger on us?!!"

*sia immediately walks out of the room in anger , Evelyn follows her *

Evelyn -" sia !!! What happened!??"
Why are u angry"

Sia -" can we go to the cafe and talk about it there I'm not really in the mood"

Hope you guys enjoyed part 4 of Revenge at Twilight!

E and S ❤️

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