Part 3

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*The last hour was activity class so they were free to choose the activity they were interested in. Sia and Evelyn got to the art class. There were very few students and one of them was Ji-woo from their class. Most of the other students were from other classes*

*They both get settled and Evelyn's eyes rest on Ji-woo's art. That is when the art teacher approached them. She looked pretty impressed seeing Ji-woo's art*

Teacher: "It looks quite good..but I think it would look much better with a touch of red to it" *the teacher then paints with red paint on Ji-woo's art*

*Ji-woo started sweating a little when the teacher did that and her expression started changing. She seemed anxious and uncomfortable. Evelyn notices her panic stricken and gets worried and suspicious at the same time*

Sia: "Eve..i will go get some paint" *She leaves*

Evelyn: *nods and looks at ji-woo* Hey are you okay..?

*Ji-woo ignores Evelyn and starts waking hurriedly towards the exit. Sia was on her way back with the paint box and at the same time Ji-woo bumped into her. The paint splashed on the floor and most of it was red paint*

Sia: "Oh my! Hey are you fine? Did that hurt you?"

Ji-woo: *she didn't hear anything and fainted*

*Sia catches her. Both the teacher and Evelyn rushed towards them. Sia and Evelyn immediately go to the infirmatry accompied by the teacher*

*After a while Ji-woo wakes up and seemed confused to see Sia and Evelyn sitting beside her*

Evelyn: Ah your finally up! Are you fine?

Ji-woo- Um yea uh I'm fine.

Sia: What happened earlier? Are you not keeping well?

Ji-woo: Ah yeah well I am studying too hard recently and did not get enough sleep for a almost a week now. I'm just too tired. I'm sorry for causing trouble.

Sia: It's completely fine. Take care and don't strain yourself too much.

Evelyn: Um yeah take care and may I ask if the colour red makes you uncomfortable?

Ji-woo: Yes it does...I can't tell you much but the colour red is kind of traumatic in my life. *She gets a phone call* um I have to go. Thank you so much for taking care of me. *She leaves hurriedly*

*This makes Evelyn less suspicious*

Sia: Oh c'mon why did you have to ask her that? Maybe it was personal..she didn't seem too comfortable answering.

Evelyn: Yeah I know but remember that one of the students from this academy is the killer. I couldn't control myself from asking her that...and the fact that she said red colour made her uncomfortable it's clear now that she can't be the killer. Else she would faint while killing.

Sia: yeah makes sense.

*The school hours ended. Sia and Evelyn stayed back to investigate more about the case hoping to find the clues. They both look around all the class rooms first*

Sia: Ah such dusty building. You really think the killer would eave behind any clues here?

Evelyn:  I know it's hard to find clues here but we can try atleast.
*They both hear foot steps outside the classroom and quickly hide under the table*

*The security gard enters the room with a flashlight and leaves after a while*

Evelyn: Damn..we never knew there was a security guard going around the building at this time.

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