chapter 4

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I woke up to a pair of arms around my waist. I then felt someone kiss my forehead. I knew it was Nick.

"I'm sorry I got mad." Nick said.

"I know" I said

"I love you. I just don't want anyone to take you from me" Nick said.

"That doesn't mean you can yell at me and hit me!" I said.

"I'm sorry Courtney. It won't happen again!" Nick said.

"How do I know you're not lying!" I said.

"Please Courtney" Nick said.

"I don't know Nick you don't even trust me! Me your own girlfriend!" I said.

"It won't happen again! I won't hit you!" Nick yelled.

"I want to believe you Nick but I-I just can't" I said and got up and started to get changed. Nick then grabbed me after I got changed with an angry look on his face.

"Why don't you believe me?!" Nick yelled.

"I just can't do this anymore! I'm sorry!" I yelled and started to walk away but Nick grabbed me and threw me into a table so hard that I blacked out.

Bill's POV

When I saw that Nick guy grab my sister tightly and yell at her Tom and I both got angry that a guy would dare touch our little sister like that. Why would she keep that from us? Why wouldn't she tell us she was in an abusive relationship? Does she not trust us? I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone vibrate. It was Tom who had went out to do something while I went back to our hotel after the show.

"Ja?" I asked.

"Turn on the news" Tom said and I turned on the news.

"We are here at Los Angeles County Hospital where Courtney Kaulitz is currently residing. The band has said that until Courtney is better her band and Get Scared will be postponing their tour and will make it up to the states that have to miss their performances. We are here with Nick Matthews lead singer of Get Scared and Courtney's current boyfriend. So how long have you and Courtney been together?" the news lady said.

"We have been together for two years" Nick said.

"Wow! And you're still going strong? Do you know what happened?" The lady asked.

"Yes and I don't know I was coming back from band practice when I found Courtney passed out on the floor." Nick said

I could tell her was lying. He probably did this to her.

"Anything else you would like to add?" the lady asked.

"No but please excuse me. I need to go check on her" Nick said and walked away.

"Tom we have to go to the hospital! Cancel whatever we have today! We are going to see our sister instead!" Bill yelled imto the phone.

"I'm on my way" Tom said. I then heard a honk and headed outside and got into Tom's escalade and we headed off to the hospital.

"That bastard is dead when I see him!" Tom yelled

"Tom calm down" I said

"How can you expect me to calm down! Our little sister just got beaten and is in the hospital because of her so called boyfriend!" Tom yelled

"I know you're angry! How do you think I feel! We need to remain calm" I said as we arrived at the hospital. Tom quickly parked and we ran into the hospital.

"Courtney Ann Kaulitz! What room is she?!" Tom and I both yelled at the same time

"May I ask who is asking?" the nurse said

"This is no time for games! Where is our little sister's room!" Tom yelled angrily.

"Room 4A" the nurse said scared and we both ran to the room and rushed into it to see Nick sitting by our sister's bed and our sister bruised and unconcious. Tom stromed up to Nick while I just ran to Courtney's bed worried. Out of both Tom and I she was always the closest to me for some reason.

"How could you do this to our sister?! What has she ever done to deserve this?! All she has probably ever done is love you!" Tom yelled

"This doesn't concern you! This is between me and my girlfriend!" Nick yelled

"If I remember correctly you're supposed to love and care for your girlfriend! Not use her as a punching bag!" Tom yelled

"Stay out of this!" Nick yelled

"NO!" Tom yelled

"Courtney please be okay. You have to be! Tom and I can't lose you" I said with tears.

"I don't know what our sister ever saw in you" Tom yelled. I then got up and faced Nick with tears in my eyes.

"How could you do this?! How could you do this to such a sweet, innocent and loving girl! Our sister didn't deserve this!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"Ahem!" We heard a voice say

We all looked to see the doctor.

"Are you Courtney Kaulitz's family?" the doctor asked

"Yes we're her older brothers. Is she going to be alright?" I asked frantic

"She has a bruise on her face, some bruises on her stomach, and a broken rib. Is there any other family here?" the doctor asked

"No" Tom said

"I would call your parents and let them know." The doctor said

"How long until she can perform again?" Nick asked

"Could be a couple weeks" The doctor said and walked away. Tom then went to go call our parents but not Courtney's real mom because she was a bitch. She wanted nothing to do with Courtney. Tom then came back.

"Dad can't come see her but mom and Gordan can and will be here tomorrow." I said

"I hope she'll be okay" I said and kissed my little sister's forehead. Nick then decided to leave and Tom and I decided to stay the night with her. We just both prayed our little sister was gonna be okay.

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