chapter one: its a deal

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F/c: favourite colour
Y/n: your name
D/f: demon form
H/f: human form
A/f: animal form
Hd/f: humanised demon form
F/a: favourite animal
E/a:eye amount
H/d: humanised demon
After what seemed like years I finally transformed back into my d/f. I had,once again, completed another task flawlessly. As quickly as I was sent back, I was summoned again, as expected as the most successful demon in the task game, only this time I was summoned by a small child whearing a blue and white hat with a pine tree on. "Who summons the great y/n on this fine afternoon?" I announced shifting back into my human form. " I- a-am...Dipper p-pines... And I... would like to make a d-deal..." The young boy replied. "Why of course and what is that deal? Want me to get you a Snickers? " I teased. "Well this is probably not the best way to handle this but, I need you to get rid of a demon..." He resumed, ignoring my joke. "Well I'm normally against attacking my own kind, but, for you, I'll do it but what will I get out of it?"I wondered. "The next time I summon you I'll let you explore, as a break." He offered. "I haven't had a break in a long time... its a deal!" I accept, shaking his hand, "so where is this demon?".
He lead me to a cleared up part of the wilderness where a group of humans were being surrounded by millions of clones of a familiar being in his hd/f. "Bill!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. He looked in my direction and attempted to attack me with a flash of fire, only for me to dash to the opposite side. I quickly transformed into my hd/f and fired a bolt of lightning to his back, wounding him and causing him to fall from his fixed position. He froze in pain and angrily glanced in my direction. I slowly walked up to him and firmly placed my foot on his back, causing even more pain. "Give up your task and I'll heal you, don't and be trapped in your bubble forever." I offered. "Fine." He groaned before I started healing him. All of a sudden, we were sent to a room with one of our counselors.
Out of fear,we both transformed into our a/f. His a yellow, one eyed cat, mine a f/c, e/a f/a. "What were you both thinking?!" An irritated voice yelled before face-palming. "What did I do?" I asked, confused, "I completed my task!". "Yes, but you damaged one of our assets!" She quickly corrected me, "and bill, if you fuffiled your task, like a good demon should, only y/n would be here!". "Well they would've trapped me in my bubble forever!" He reasoned. "DO YOU THINK SHE HAS THE POWER TO DO THAT?!, I want you both to suffer as much as I am right now, so, instead of isolating you forever, I'm trapping you both together forever.". Suddenly we were both teleported to a bubble twice the size of my own. "Well, I guess were stuck together...".
"FUCK!" I screamed in frustration, burying my head in my hands. "Well, it's not that bad" he muttered. "NOT THAT BAD? NOT THAT BAD?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!" I insanely chuckled. "We could go anywhere right now," he explained. "WERE BASICALLY STUCK HERE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES!" I yelled, not understanding what he meant. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and I ,somehow, fell asleep.

∆my favourite demon∆ [Bill Cipher X Female Demon Reader]Where stories live. Discover now