chapter 2: on the run

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F/c: favourite colour
Y/n: your name
D/f: demon form
H/f: human form
A/f: animal form
Hd/f: humanised demon form
F/a: favourite animal
E/a:eye amount
H/d: humanised demon
Suddenly, I was sat on a stool in a bar, surrounded by other h/d's. Just then I noticed a familiar figure walk through the door. It was bill. He sat on a stool next to me and asked the waiter for a drink. "So, what are you doing here, aren't you one of the most successful demons in task delivery?" He questioned, waiting for his drink. "Well, I kinda left my place due to stress and I'm on the run now...I don't have any disguises so I didn't really know what to do" the words seemed to spill out of me like blood, and I couldn't control them either. I could still remember what had happened but I quickly got used to the situation. "Well, you'll get caught looking like that," he smiled,"here ill help,". With a snap of a finger, he transformed me into a lowlife, poor looking h/d. "What drink do you like?" He questioned, hinting that he would buy me one. "Vodka," I groaned, holding my head in my hands "it's been a rough day...". He signalled to the bartender and told her what I wanted. "So...since you ran away you don't have a place, right, ive got a spare room you can stay in, rent free!" He offered, stroking my spare hand. "Well, theres no point turning it down, sure.".
We chatted for hours and I eventually forgot what happened beforehand. The only bad thing was we both got drunk. Really drunk. We ended up passing out and probably got mugged while we were asleep. I woke up to the sound of the burglar alarm being set off by some poor drugged asshole. Once I got the concept of life together I woke bill up.
(Time skip,me and bill are at a breakfast diner)
"So... What am I gonna do now?"I questioned, fiddling with the straw of my milkshake. It took a minute for bill to answer because he had ordered the pancake of the day and the waitress had dared him to eat it in under 5 minutes."well you could get a day job, selling crack and shit." He offered. "No. I'm not going from most successful task handler to on-the-run drug dealer..." I agued,".... let's rob a bank."

∆my favourite demon∆ [Bill Cipher X Female Demon Reader]Where stories live. Discover now