chapter 5: another perspective (probably never gonna finish this)

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F/c: favourite colour
Y/n: your name
D/f: demon form
H/f: human form
A/f: animal form
Hd/f: humanised demon form
F/a: favourite animal
E/a:eye amount
H/d: humanised demon
( This part of the story is now being seen from bills perspective because it will fit the story better)
"So what do think?" Y/n called out to me. I'd forgotten all about her since the interview was so long but once she came back I was glad I wasn't alone. "Y- you look....." I distractedly mumbled. I was as speechless as a statue because of how beautiful she was....I wish I could just let it show. "Good" I splurted out on account of a word perfect enough to describe her not existing. "Oh... thanks..." She replied, disappointed I didn't say something better. I wish I could but this stupid language doesn't have the right word! "So when do you start?" I questioned, trying to shift the subject. "Oh yeah! I'm on job already!" She remembered. "Ok... have you had training yet?" I asked. "No actually, this is kinda a shit place, work-wise." She sighed. "Well I could train you, if you want." I offered. I didn't want her to leave me because I knew this place could be dangerous....or she could find someone else... BUT I DON'T CARE HEHEHE I- IM THE B- BEST BANK ROBBER IN THE WORLD!...who am I kidding? Only stupid drug addicts and shit probably. Everyone knows I l̶o̶v̶e̶ am very good friends with y/n. "Uhm sure." She agreed. I quickly transformed into a stupid, lowlife, drug addicted h/d. I wanted to mimic the most gross thing that could happen to a waitress in one of those slutty uniforms. "Hello sir, welcome to emerald's emerald, what could I get for you? " She calmly smiled. I was shocked by how she acted but I still stayed in character. " Your wet, juicy, emeralds, emerald." I didn't want to say anything too discusting so I instead used a metaphor. "I'm sorry could you say that more clearly for me?" She smiled feircly. I was mindblown. I couldn't understand how she was so cute.....CALM! CALM CALM CALM CALM! WHOOPS! SLIP OF THE TOUNGE HEHE. "Just meet me round back for a good time!" I winked. More like winced. I grossed myself out. But it was worth it. A million times worth it. "How about not." She chuckled before twisting my arm out of shape. "FUCK!" I screamed as I changed into my hd/f even though I never wanted it to stop. "Oop! Sorry!" She squeaked, abruptly dropping my arm. "Its fine...I don't think you need anymore training," I laughed. She laughed too but only out of akwardness. I think she was scared she hurt me but I wouldn't admit it. I was about to say something only to be interupted by a group of people shouting for a waiter. "Oh thats my call...I guess....see ya!" She smiled anxiously. I looked over to the table of h/d that she was about to serve. I quickly recognised them. I used to rob banks with some of these people until one night they got caught and confessed everything. Some of them did drugs. Some of them diiid stuff I don't think I can saaaaaaaay. And some did even worse crimes than murder. But they were known for harassing women. "Welcome to emerald's emerald what could I get for you?" She cheerfully smiled. "Five beers." The probably leader or something ordered. "Of course! Is there anything else you would like?" "Add on an extra beer," I said, stepping in and squeezing onto the crowded booth. "Oh, bill, you know these people?" She asked, sounding shocked. I think she could tell these were sketchy guys. "Whoa! Bill? The bill cipher?" Douchbag asked. "Of course he is!" Asshole yelled. "I didn't think you'd come back!" Crack addict crookedly smiled. The other guys kept saying stuff but I didn't really care. I wanted to make sure y/n was safe. Even if that meant I had to hang out with dangerous people. "Ok, I'll get those for you in a minute!" She smiled at me. I'm pretty sure crack addict thought she smiled at him so he winked back. I wanted to punch all of them in the face and tell them to back off but I had to keep up my act."whered you find THAT hot smoking Dorito?" Douchbag smirked, "is she single?". "Ye-... No. She's my girlfriend, so back of, bastards!" I confidentiality stated. "Chill, billy-boy, I was just asking!" He laughed mockingly. "What did you just call him?" High-school bully yelled, "do you even know who your talking to?!". "Yeah, some guy who's stuck in high school and doesn't know what a hair dresser is!" He joked. "Oof! Burn!" Crack addict shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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∆my favourite demon∆ [Bill Cipher X Female Demon Reader]Where stories live. Discover now