family isn't always blood

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"Dad?" The desperation on the other side of the call could be easily detected even at 2 o'clock at night.

"Sam?" The man said, his voice low and raspy from being awoken by the call of his daughter. It wasn't often that he received calls this early in the morning. It wasn't often he received calls with this much desperation from his daughter at this time either.

"It's happened again." The girl said, her voice mostly steady, but cracking at the end of the sentence. It was as if he knew right in that moment that whatever it was that made his daughter call was serious.

The man got out of bed and walked into the bathroom that connected to the bedroom, closing the door firmly behind him. He didn't want to wake his wife up, who was still sound asleep in their bed.

"What's happened again, Sam?"

There was silence for a moment. The girl he was speaking with on the phone was moving around the house, with the man only being able to tell by the slight creaking noise coming from her end.

"Mom and I got into a fight again. It was pretty intense and I just can't be in the house." She finally said, and the man's face dropped. "Can I come over to yours?"

"Yes, of course." There was no need for her to ask him that question in the first place, but he understood why she did it. The man did have a wife and it was 2 am, so her barging in out of nowhere could come as a bit of a shock.

"Can Tara come? I don't want her to be left alone?"

His expression softened, and although his daughter wouldn't see it, he smiled slightly. His daughter's younger sister was like his own daughter to him, despite the girls' mother having her with the man she cheated on way back then.


"Thank you. We'll be there in like 20 or so." Sam said before hanging up. The man brought his phone down from his ear and sighed. Christina Carpenter was being a bitch again, starting up yet another fight with their daughter.

He didn't know the extent of what exactly happened, but would be told about it later. Sam always told him how the arguments between her and her mother went, often times ending up coming over to her father's place for a little bit.

"Billy?" The gentle voice of his wife called out from behind him, and he turned, giving his wife a sad smile. "Is Sam okay?"

He gave her a firm nod, "She's okay, but her and Tara are coming over. I suppose this time Christina might've went too far."

She stepped forward, placing both of her hands on her husband's shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze. She understood how much it upset Billy when he saw the state his daughter would be in after every argument between her and her mother.

She was upset, too, coming to love both girls as her own. Her and Billy never ended up having kids of their own, but she did from a previous marriage. She had two girls with a man named Mark, who she divorced a few years ago.

There was still great respect for her ex, as he was a great man, but the relationship between them just didn't work out. They stayed on good terms, though, and were great co-parents.

And Billy wished he had that with Christina. He wished he could have as good of a relationship with the mother of his daughter as his wife did with her ex husband. It wasn't because he was jealous, but it was because he saw how good they were at raising their kids without being together.

Those girls of theirs were so happy, whereas Sam was forced to stay in a shitty situation with her mother, simply because Billy didn't have custody over her. He would, had the situation been different.

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