small town girl

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Liv Mckenzie was just a regular college girl. Sure, she had her hair dyed pink, worked in a diner and went to Blackmore University for college, where she was studying for a degree in Nursing, but other than that, there really wasn't much to her. She was just a simple girl living in New York, finally feeling free.

Liv grew up in a small town in North California, where all she knew was nothing but close minded people who made money by selling weed. Ah, yes, the amount of weed farms in Laytonville, California was too much to count. It was nice, as she was able to smoke freely without her parents freaking out, but it sucked as that was all people did around there.

Grow pot, sell that pot and smoke it. Every single day her friends and family would invite her to smoke with them, and while she would, she hated the fact that it was all people did there. At one point, getting high got boring, and Liv didn't want to live the rest of her life stuck in some town smoking the weed she grew.

Because let's face it, hadn't Liv gotten out of Laytonville when she did, she definitely would've been stuck in that place growing pot. She would've fell into the same exact spot as her parents were in, and the thought of that wasn't pleasant.

Moving to New York was the best decision she had ever made, and living here, although it was expensive, brought her so much happiness. There was no more worrying about living the rest of her life in a shitty state, and the opportunities she had were endless. Things were going just the way she wanted.

Don't get her wrong, she did miss Laytonville from time to time, seeing as the peace and quiet of the small town was incomparable to the city that never sleeps, but she was glad to have left it. Staying there would've only brought her more problems and put her in a much worse position with her mental health than she already was.

Besides, that place brought her a lot of trauma, anxiety and depression. Leaving the town was everything she needed to fix that, and the idea of ever going back or moving back there was terrifying for her. New York helped her be truly happy, and Liv had no intentions of letting that feeling go.

In the last year she's been living here, Liv had made a huge transition from who she used to be and to who she was now. The girl no longer felt the need to hide her true self anymore, and she was a lot more outgoing. Any time she and her friends would hang out, they would actually do something that didn't involve getting high, and all of her friends were invested in their education.

That was not something her friends back home could relate to, if you could even call them that. A lot of them only cared about drugs and sex, which was not Liv's vibe at all. Sure, the pink haired girl had her times when she'd smoke some weed or take some psychedelics, and she'd been in relationships, but even then her primary focus was her education.

She was the only one in her grade who graduated with a 4.0 GPA and got into college. Not only that, she got into college with several scholarships that pretty much covered the entire cost of her tuition. The same could not be said for the majority of her friends. There were some people who had good grades and went to college, but none of them were serious enough about it.

Liv was just so glad that the friends she had now were people who cared about their futures and put in the work to have a good future. They weren't uptight nerds who would never allow themselves to let loose, but they weren't too crazy about partying and doing drugs and drinking. There was a good 50/50 balance of both. 

"Liv, wait up!" A voice that Liv easily recognized as her friend Tara called out from behind. The pink haired girl halted her walking and turned around, shooting a small smile at the short dark haired girl.

"Hey T." She said as the girl approached her. "What's up?"

"Just heading to my next class." Tara replied as they walked down the campus of their university. "I've got to ask, there's this party tonight that Jason's hosting, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

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