serial heartbreaker(s)

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Cry baby, serial heartbreaker. Don't blame me, it's just the way God made her

Amber Freeman and Tara Carpenter were known as the two heartbreakers of their school, having been with many people before, and somehow breaking each and every one of their hearts. How the two did it, or why they did it, nobody knew, but they certainly did hope that some day, the two would experience that heartbreak themselves.

It sounded harsh, but it needed to happen. Either that, or they hoped that the two would fall in love with someone who would actually provide them with a reason to stop being the way they are. Chances of it ever happening, though, weren't too high.

Even their friends didn't understand why they felt the need to be in consistent hookups all the time and why they never took the opportunity to heal. It was quite evident that both girls had some sort of hurt within them, but what that hurt was, no one was able to really tell.

So many questions, that's too many for me

All their friends asked them why they were the way they were, but none ever got an answer. Mindy and Chad, being the closest friends to each girl aside from the girls themselves, would give them speeches on how it was time to stop fucking around and breaking people's hearts just because they didn't have their own hearts healed.

Of course all the twins got in response was that "there was nothing for them to heal from" but both Chad and Mindy knew it wasn't true. They just had no idea what the two girls needed to heal from.

So many lessons, so many girl of my dreams

The hurt, though, was simple. It was caused by the two best friends, even if the other didn't know it. A surprise, isn't it? It wasn't something anyone would ever except as all Tara and Amber were was just best friends and nothing more.

Or so everyone thought.

In reality, they weren't just best friends. The two girls had feelings for each other, yet neither would tell the other about it. Probably due to the fear of getting their heart broken yet again by the same person.

The first time it happened for them was back in Freshman year of high school, when Amber first started talking about this guy she was seeing at the time. Tara felt a stinging in her heart, knowing that the reason why she felt it was because of her feelings for her best friend.

Though there was nothing she could do about it. Amber seemed happy with that guy, and Tara was left to be supportive of her best friend, even if it was hard. She also tried to move on, yet failed at doing so. That's when she realized that she couldn't move on if she didn't try being with someone else.

And that's exactly what Tara did. A few weeks after Amber announced her relationship with that guy, Tara too came forward with her own relationship with a girl named Jessica. The older girl had come out as bisexual just a few months prior, so it wasn't too big of a shock for anyone that she was with a girl.

The same couldn't be said for Amber, though, as the ravenette didn't come out of the closet until the end of the school year that year. Yet still, she knew that her feelings for Tara weren't just innocent friendship feelings.

She knew she loved her as more than just a friend, but was still not ready to come out, nor was she ready to admit her feelings to Tara. Besides, the raven haired girl had no idea if her best friend felt the same way about her.

That still didn't change the fact that Amber felt her heart shatter at the news of Tara's relationship with that girl. It felt as if the world around her had stopped, and not in that cute romantic way. No, Amber's world stopped in a way where it felt like the end of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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