Story 5

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Karina pushed the glass door open. Her eyes immediately went to the corner table but it was empty. She searched the coffee shop but couldn't see a face she recognized. She decided to order a drink first instead.

"One hazelnut latte, please."

She paid for her drink and went to the pick-up counter. She checked her emails while she waited.

"Your hazelnut latte, Miss." The barista placed the cup in front of Karina.

"Thank you." She took her cup and turned around to see the table now occupied by a brunette who was checking her phone. She frowned.

Karina was about to move to another empty table when the brunette looked up, meeting her eyes. She held her breath. Minjeong.

Minjeong stood up and smiled. You look good, Rina. Just as beautiful as I remembered you.

Karina walked to the table slowly. "H-hi." She swallowed nervously.

"Hi. I saw you ordering so I thought I'd secure our table first." Minjeong then smiled as she saw the blue phone. "You're still using that?"

Karina didn't know what to say. There was something different about Minjeong. She looked more confident and mature even though her baby face remained the same.

"I'm going to get a drink." Minjeong pointed at the counter before walking away.

Karina didn't react on time. She decided to just take a seat and wait while she observed Minjeong.

Minjeong returned to the table a short while later with a cup in one hand and a plate in the other. "Have you had dinner?" Minjeong asked.

Karina shook her head. "I just got off work."

"At this hour? You're hardworking." Minjeong pushed the plate towards Karina. "Blueberry muffin." She smiled. "I've had dinner so this is all yours." She sipped her drink.

Karina didn't move. She had missed these little gestures from Minjeong. She could feel tears surging up. She kept her head down.

Minjeong noticed it. "Are you okay?"

Karina nodded.

Minjeong sighed. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that. I'm seriously bad with goodbyes. I thought it would be the best way to get over you."

Karina looked up at those words. "Did it work?"

Minjeong smiled but didn't answer. "Thanks for the letters and for keeping your promise to never stop writing me even though I was a jerk."

"Good to know that you realize that."

Minjeong chuckled. "I miss you too." She smiled. "Now eat your muffin. We better go get proper dinner after this. Don't want you to get sick." She drank from her cup again.

The conversations started awkwardly but they found their old rhythm after a while.

By the time they walked out of the restaurant, both were laughing like they had never stopped talking to each other.

"So where do you live now?" Minjeong asked as she closed the car door.

"At a small apartment not too far from work," Karina said. She told Minjeong the address.

Minjeong followed the GPS. She frowned when she realized that her car couldn't even fit inside the alley in front of Karina's building. "You live here?" She looked out of the window after she had parked the car a bit further off.

"Yep." Karina stepped out of the car.

Minjeong followed Karina hesitantly. It looked like a quiet and nice neighborhood but she still didn't like the idea of Karina living here alone.

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