Story 7

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"You ready?" Minjeong squeezed Karina's hand.

Karina took a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Minjeong stole a quick kiss from Karina's cheek. "Let's go then."

They got out of the car and greeted the butler who had been waiting for them near the door.

Minjeong held Karina's hand all the way from the foyer into the living room.

"Hi Appa," Minjeong greeted the man who was watching TV. She pulled Karina towards him and only let go of her hand so she could hug the man. "This is Karina," she introduced Karina to him after the hug.

Karina bowed 90 degrees. She was afraid to look the man in the eyes.

The man raised his eyebrows. He looked at Minjeong.

"She's my girlfriend," Minjeong explained. She stealthily held Karina's hand when she felt Karina shifting to stand behind her.

The man didn't say anything for almost a full minute. "What's your full Korean name?" He finally asked Karina.

"Y-Yu Jimin, Sir."

The sound of loud footsteps running down the stairs broke the awkward silence.


Minjeong let go of Karina. "Hi." She greeted her sister with a smile and a hug. "How's studying coming along?"

The young girl groaned. "I blame you."

"What? What did I do?"

"If you hadn't decided to go to college here and be all smart and stuff, Appa might have let me go to the States." The girl sulked. "Now I have to study for the entrance exam."

Minjeong grinned. "Sorry, kid." She suddenly remembered Karina. "Come here, I'd like you to meet someone." She pulled the girl towards Karina. "Rina meet Hayeon, my baby sister."

Karina extended her hand with a nervous smile on her face. "Hi, I'm Karina."

Hayeon raised her eyebrows. She hesitantly shook Karina's hand. "I'm Hayeon, Unnie." She then bowed politely. "Nice to meet you." She looked at Minjeong. "I thought we were going to have dinner with your boyfriend?"

"Um... yeah... about that..."

"Hayeon-ah, go get your mother." Minjeong's father interrupted the conversation. "Now."

The girl looked at her father. She was clearly a bit confused but didn't protest. She turned around and went back up the stairs.

"Appa, I-..."

"Your brother's going to be late so we'll start without him." He walked away, into the dining room.

Minjeong took a deep breath. She put an arm around Karina and kissed her temple. "It's fine."

"Maybe I should just leave," Karina suggested.

"No way. You're staying here with me. They will learn to accept this."

"It might be too sudden, Minjeong-ah. They didn't even know that you're into girls and now you're suddenly bringing a girlfriend home?" Karina lowered her voice. "Did you see how confused your sister was?"

"She's turning 19. She knows these things."


"Do you love me?" Minjeong looked at Karina.

Karina nodded.

"Do you want a future with me?"

"W-what?" Karina's eyes widened.

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