i dont understand adult's

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Adults...ohhh them..look if you're one that's great! But if your a parent then I'm speaking has a minor you may wanna listen to me..you see I fight with my dad sometimes and he doesn't understand that I'm not responsible for everything mistake that happens...also he acts on anger sometimes..he's a good man never hit me yet he will yell at me has most parents do but it still sticks sometimes when he doesn't hear my side of the story and just assumes that what the other adult in the situation says is true..which he was proven to be wrong and he had apologized but I'm not here to just talk about my dad no..






Alright, I'm here to speak to hopefully things that you will understand because I don't know if i can explain it any other way... when a child seems distant or to into social settings this could mean they have something on their minds..now I don't mean that if your an extrovert your depressed Iean that's how some people cope but I have a word of advice.

Please dont ask if their ok usually they respond with "I'm fine" because we don't want to worry you and I feel like this all the time it's like you think once everyone is ok then you'll be fine instead try to gain their trust try and make them feel comfortable around you and then they may open up to you.

I promise just try it but don't ask if their ok, and once they say I'm fine you just walk away because there's always something in their life that they can't handle but are dealing with..

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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