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 A strange world it was.

I think of it as a fictional world, since it is for me. But it's REAL for them, isn't it?

But they wouldn't know anyway. They were a child with a happy and normal life.

For now, anyway..

This world, is something that can only be found in fiction. A world in which one's creations corrupt the future. Lies of a 'happy' establishment, when in reality, various horrors taint the dark past of none other than,

Fazbear Entertainment

It all started by one man, and it seems to end by said man.

Does this ring any bells to you, dear reader? It should.

The Five Nights at Freddy's franchise has been around for quite a while now. Almost a decade, I believe.

Many would wish to escape their dreadful and miserable reality to a fictional one such as this...

But do you really wish for it?

They say they're aware and know about the horrors, but do they really? They'd think twice if they did.

But they don't. And that is their problem.

One can be blinded by the desperation of reaching a whole other reality. They're visits aren't usually stable, and end in mental draining and wounds.

Do you wish to know what'd it feel like? Then, I will provide it for you.

I must warn you, however...

You might not be able to remember, but beware of who you trust. Looks can be deceiving.

Trust is a key to survival

Try not to forget that

Trust at your own risk. 


𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘶𝘵..

(Word count: 260)

Error In The SystemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora