Ch. 4 - New Friends

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The boys seemed to have a stare-off, both with narrowed and glaring eyes. Santiago's glare was out of overprotectiveness, an arm keeping (Y/n) behind him. The boy's glare was out of caution but had a bit of suspicion and distrust in it as well.

(Y/n) looked between both boys and didn't quite feel the atmosphere becoming more tense every passing second. Being illiterate doesn't stop them from becoming a chatter box. (Y/n) being as bubbly and oblivious as they were, spoke up.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)! This is my cousin Santi-!"

"Santiago..." (Y/n)'s cousin muttered out.

"Nice to meet ya! What's your name??"

The child put their hand in front of them for a handshake. The boy looked at the younger child and then looked at their outstretched hand. He glanced down at the persistent child and back towards their hand several times. He hesitated out of caution and then proceeded to shake their hand back.


The 13-year-old was not at all happy that his cousin was talking with a complete stranger. He grabbed them and quickly held them in a sort of protective manner, eyes narrowing at the slightly shorter boy.

"Wha- Santi!-"

"What? Never heard of stranger danger??" The boy looked down at his younger cousin using a sarcastic tone.

"Uhmm.. yeah??" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, it doesn't seem like it,"


"If you're done bickering, mind answering this?"

The attention of both children was directed towards Gregory.

"How could you be stupid enough to try and get the security guard's attention?" Said the boy with what seemed to be irritation.

"She works here..?"

Gregory raised an eyebrow at the child.

"Why does it it even matter?" Santi rolled his eyes.

"'Cause I don't trust her,"

"What? Why not? She can help!" The child tilted their head to the side.

"No, she can't,"

"That doesn't even make any sense," Santiago snapped at Gregory.

"Look, she's trying to get me and I just don't trust her," said Gregory with a sigh of frustration.

"Oh!... Okay.." (Y/n) mumbled out with uncertainty.

"Wha- Don't agree with him! What are you even doing here?"

"I'd ask the same about you two," Gregory said with a raised eyebrow.

Both boys once again held a stare-off. That was, until (Y/n) spoke up.

"W-we just got lost. We don't know how to get back," the child fiddled with their fingers nervously.

"And you didn't bother to read any signs of direction?"

"They can't read, bastard," Santi snarled.

"Santi! That's a bad word!" The child putting their finger all up in their cousin's face. The older cousin put a hand on their mouth to muffle their babbling.

"And you expect me to know because..??"

Before they could have yet another stare-off, the child pushed away Santiago's hand from their mouth and spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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