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○                                   and falling's just another way to fly ~ emilie autumn


I was falling. I never thought that this day would actually come, but here I was, falling.

The sky appeared... different somehow. It probably had something to do with the fact that I was now under the plane of existence I had been in for as long as I could remember.

It didn't seem to be real. The only way I knew that I wasn't dreaming was the fact that I could feel the blood seeping from the wounds in my back, even though there was no pain in the absence of what had previously always been there.

I didn't dare look down. I wasn't scared of heights- that was ridiculous. However, I was worried about what I would see if I did  look down.

Flashes of different things showed up in my vision, shifting between familiar and unfamiliar sights. I never really had a family, but I imagine that they would be speeding in front of my eyes at this moment if I did.

But the most interesting thing I saw as my stomach became accustomed to the sinking, empty feeling was a figure- a small girl, I realized. Her back was turned to me, shoulders set in a way that made me believe she was scared, but I couldn't quite place anything else about her.

I felt a harsh longing to protect the girl, somehow knowing deep in my mind that she was alone and afraid. But I wasn't made for protecting. Not anymore. I wasn't supposed to want to help mortal beings that were so below me.

Though I suppose they weren't that far below me now, I thought bitterly.

With one last glare at the clouds above me, I let my eyes fall closed, continuing my descent to whatever awaited me below.

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