New World

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                                                                                    new world

○ what's done can't be undone. how do i fit into this new world? i should have been warned, somebody should have told me. how was i to know that that sort of world wasn't going to go on forever? ~ anthony burgess ○


"Faerie tales? You're joking, right?"

Daemon just stared back at me, one corner of his lips tilted up. He shared a look with Amber, who looked the exact opposite of his nonchalant demeanor. She seemed... afraid, somehow.

"Daemon, don't..." Amber pleaded, playing with her fingers sheepishly.

"Don't what?" he challenged. "This is what I've been waiting for since I ended up in this place; there's no point in beating around the bush now."

I glanced between the two of them, feeling uncomfortable for another reason than the still sore skin of my neck. Why was Amber so scared of what he was going to tell me? I wanted to know!

"Stop it, guys," I told them, hoping that they would listen to me. They did. "Daemon, just tell me."

"You sure you're ready, ángelos? You still seem a little... shaken up." To anyone that might've fallen for his stupid charms, his words would have sounded comforting, but to me, it just felt like he was ridiculing me and putting me down for not understanding his and Amber's secretive nature. Their conversations hadn't made any sense to me thus far, and Amber letting the small bit of information that she gave me slip didn't help as much as I was hoping.

Before I could come back with anything that would shut him up, a sound came from the main living space of the apartment. Amber ordered us to stay put, telling us that she would be right back. I glared at Daemon once she had passed by me, but he was too busy ignoring Amber's request, following her out the door.

I trailed after him, seeing that Amber was at the intercom with the button held down. "Send him up," she said, shooting a look back at Daemon and I that said that we weren't getting off easy for ignoring her.

"Who was that?" I asked. Amber shook her head, shooing me back into the room that we had just left, letting Daemon stay on the couch where he had made himself comfortable.

I groaned, upset that he was allowed to wait out there with Amber while I was stuck by myself where I had nothing...

Something shining on the ground underneath the table made my angsty thoughts trail off. I bent down to pick it up, seeing that it was some sort of pin or badge. I flipped it around and read the engraving on the front.

"Umbra Consort. Umbra...?" I examined the emblem on the badge, seeing that it was an image of what looked like four parts- a light blue, a forest green, a deep purple, and a blood red.

I nearly dropped the badge as I heard footsteps coming towards the door, but I managed to get it back in its previous place so as to not raise suspicion and throw myself into the chair in the corner, pretending to have been playing on my phone. I looked up as the door opened, acting as if I hadn't noticed that anyone was coming.

I met eyes with Daemon, who looked as if whoever had come upstairs to the penthouse had pissed him off to no end. "Come on, it's time to go."

I nodded, taking one last fleeting glance at where I knew the badge had been, slipping my phone in my pocket. I left the room and closed the door behind me, and was shocked at who I saw sitting on the couch next to Amber.

OnyxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang