• no, stop! •

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Walking back, Aonung by accidentally holds Neteyams hand. Neteyam doesn't say anything but he blushes, his face flashing bright blue.

"Home, sweet home!"
"Your marui is so.. organized.. And you have like.. different rooms- kind of. I like it! You have complete privacy." Aonung nods.
"Here," Aonung says, passing Neteyam a leaf made loincloth to sleep.
"Wear this tonight, it's comfy, i swear."
"Alright, i trust you, nung." Aonung smiles to himself from the nickname.

After Neteyam gets dressed, he ends up dropping a bead that he put in his hair. He bent down to get it when Aonung saw his tail swing around. He found this funny so his touched his tail.
"Ah! Stop, i'm sensitive on my tail."
"Oh.. I'm so sorry.. It's just.." he said, trying not to hurts out in laughter.
"It's so.. It's so thin! And it moves around so much!"
"Stop!," he said, laughing around, slapping Aonungs shoulder. They stay in silence, when Aonung pulls a trick on Neteyam, and touches his tail again.
"Ah!! S-Stop! I mean it!"
(Before you guys think anything sexual that's not what i mean.)
Aonung does it again.
"Ngh! S-Stop that!" Neteyam pulls Aonungs hair.
"Ow!" Neteyam laughs. Aonung copies. For that straight moment, they just stare into eachothers eyes, looking down every few seconds, smiling. Soon enough, Neteyam holds the side of Aonungs chin, as he crosses his arms, smiling. He leans in, going on tippy-toes, and kisses him softly. Aonung widens his eyes. He knew they had done this before, but it felt so different. It felt, real. Like, it meant something. Neteyam nor Aonung backs out. But suddenly, Aonung lets go, and tears up. Neteyam thought this was bad, but he was happy.
"I-.. I'm so sorry! I-.. I'll go home!"
"W-..Wait! No!" Neteyam runs away before Aonung could say anything.
Without a doubt, Kiri and Lo'ak would be awake even at this time. Both of them saw his tears rushing down his face.
"Oh no..! Neteyam, what happened?" They asked.
"A-..Aonung and i.. we kissed!" Kiri and Lo'ak looked at eachother in shock.
"I don't think he liked it, he probably thinks im a freak!"
"Fuck.. I'm going to kill him.." Lo'ak mumbles.
"It doesn't matter brother, come on, lay down with us," Kiri insists. They bring him to his bed, and Lo'ak and Kiri play around with his hair, knowing it helps him feel calm and helps him fall asleep. He just laid there, crying.
"Calm, my brother," Kiri continues.
"I'm right here, my brother." Kiri comforted him. Lo'ak was down on one knee, rebraiding his hair.

Next morning, Kiri had already given Aonung a bunch of death stares, aswell with Lo'ak, but his responsible big brother trait came back.
"Stupid sxwangs! Leave him alone, let's go." He grabbed them both up with one arm. Neteyam was really strong, that's one thing about him. If he really wanted, he could grab Tonowari and Jake at the said time with the palm of. his hand and feel it like a feather.

Aonung caught Neteyam behind a marui later, alien. He wanted to talk to him about yesterday, so he went. He caught him with a very sharp looking harpoon he had kept from the forest, dragging it across his wrist, leaving blood and scars on it.
"N-..Neteyam! What did you do to yourself." Neteyam jumped up, putting his hands behind his back.
"Aonung! W-..What are you doing?!"
"Show me."
"What..?," he asked, trying to play dumb and stuttered.
"Show me what you did to yourself! I saw it! Were you cutting yourself?" He tried pulling his arm away, but Neteyam would just use his strength and say,
"no! please!" His arms finally got tired and loose, and he couldn't pull back anymore. He was sobbing. Aonung looked at his arm, gasping.
"Neteyam.. I-.." He hugged him and kneeled down, hugging him.
"Don't cry, Teyam. I'm right here."
"I'm sorry about yesterday."
"Don't be, I liked it." Neteyam nodded, trying to ask if he really did.
"I did." He grabber Neteyams cheek, and leaned in for a kiss. His tongue explored the other makes mouth.
"Thank you." Aonung nodded. He grabbed a leaf from his pocket, but then dropped it.
"You can do it."
"Heal yourself."
"Go." Neteyam didn't obey.
"Go, Teyam!", he finally listened. Since he didn't have two hands to cup around his wrist, he grabbed Aonungs and wished for the best. He closed his eyes, making Aonung do the same, and took three deep breaths. He mumbled the song that could heal, but Aonung couldn't quite hear it exactly. Aonungs hands began to tingle, then flowing up. He took his hands away, and it half healed.
"Good enough. Atleast it has a scab."
Aonung nodded.
"Come over to mine tonight, Teyam." He nodded, smiling. He secretly placed the harpoon back in his bag when Aonung didn't see.

mhm, i wrote for the first time in eternity.
i'm debating if i should allow smut, because this story was supposed to be heard after they go to the metkayina tribe but i didn't follow that in the first chapter 😭 idk!

—  871 words!

-loverwtoh3k's project.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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