The Dream

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Rani watched as the Day Pride left the tree. Sadness pricked her heart as she realized that she and Kion were only going to see each other at dawn and dusk. Sighing she turned around, and nearly collided with Baliyo. 

"Oh Baliyo, I'm sorry I didn't see you," Rani apologizes.

"No problem, I was just coming to ask you, how you were doing," Baliyo replies

"Oh me? I'm doing great! The Tree of Life is at peace, and the Day Pride is here so we don't have to protect and defend this land all on our own, and" Rani got cut off.

"And Kion is here to stay now," Surak interrupts from behind. 

Rani looks at him, then nods. "Yes, and Kion is here now," She stops for a second before carrying on. "Surak could you lead the Night Pride today? I'm going to stay in the tree with Kion today."

Surak dips his head. "Of course Rani,"

As the day continues, Kion leads the Day Pride back to the Tree of Life.

"Alright guys, it's sunset which means the Night Pride, should be heading out now. Let's get some rest for tomorrow."

The Day Pride says their goodbyes to Kion before heading to their favorite resting spots. Beshte near the lake, Anga and Ono is a nest in a tree near Chika Escarment, Fuli with Azaad in a den in the forest, and Bunga, spending the night with Binga in the Marshes. Kion enters the Tree and sees Rani waiting for him. She nuzzles him in greeting. 

"Are you OK?" She asks, concern filling her question.

"Just tired, making sure the animals are at peace with one another is hard work," He rolled his eyes. "And Bunga being there and complaining really doesn't help." 

Rani laughed, and Kion smiled, but his smile faded. 

"Are YOU alright? why aren't you with the Night Pride? Is something wrong?"

Rani cut him off. "No everything is fine, I just stayed tonight to be with you,"

"Oh wow, thanks! I would really enjoy that." 

"I knew you would," She beckoned him towards the throne. "Come on, let's get some sleep." 

As the two fell asleep Kion was thrown into a dream of chaos.  

Kion opened his eyes and felt horror seep into his fur. Everything was on fire. The Day and Night pride were burning, screaming for help. The animals fled in terror, some of them not escaping the growing flame. Kion felt sick and suddenly he saw something he wished never to see. 

"Kion! Help me" Rani's desperate plea rose above the sound of the roaring fire. Kion raced to her, but before he made it, she was engulfed in a golden flame. 

"No!" The wail tore at his throat and his heart thumped painfully.

"Hahaha!" Kion whirled around and came face to face with a tiger. 

"You've lost, lion cub" It snarled.

With that, Kion was jerked awake. Tears were rolling down his face and he panted so hard.  Rani was awakened.

"Kion wha-" She broke off at the look on his tear-stained face. 

She began to nuzzle him and comforted him in every way she could. Kion rested his head on her paws next to her chest.  He heard the thump of her heart beating, and let the rhythm of it calm him down.

"Kion, whatever happened it's OK," Rani whispered soothingly.

She rested her chin on his head and purred lovingly.

The Night pride is OK, the Day pride is OK, I'm OK, and now you'll be OK too."

Kion let her words seep into his brain, and felt comforted, that the ones he loved were OK. He let out a sigh, and within a couple of heartbeats, he had dozed off feeling warm and comforted . 

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