Rani's Comfort

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Rani's pelt pricked with concern for her mate, as she watched his flank, gently rising and falling.  She didn't want him to suffer, for she loved him so much. Suddenly she saw him begin to twitch, tears were, again rolling down his cheeks. Quickly she shook his shoulder.

"Kion," She whispers. "Kion wake up,"

Kion wakes up with a gasp. He looks at Rani, misery in the depths of his eyes. 

"Rani I can't does this," He rasps out. "I can't keep watching everyone die right in front of me! I have the roar, I should be able to protect everyone!"

Rani licked him fiercely. "Kion, I love you, for you not because you have the roar."

Kion looks at her and sighs. "It's bad enough that I have to watch all our subjects burn, I can't bare to see all of our friends die too,"

Rani began to think. "Kion. What if this isn't a dream, but an omen."

"An omen? About what?"

"Maybe this is a sign!" Light dawned on Rani. "Did you see anything that you think might be a problem?"

Kion looked at her thoughtfully for a moment. "Well there was always this tiger at the end of the dream," He says at last.

"Then maybe this tiger is a threat and the great lions of the past are trying to warn you of it," Rani concluded. 

"And maybe once I realized this, they will stop sending me this dark vision!" Relief shone in Kions gaze. "That would be such a relief."

He nuzzled Rani. "Thank you," He whispers. "I'm truly so glad to have met you and decide to stay with you. You are brilliant."

Rani nudges him back. "Enough of that," She says affectionately. "We've got to go tell the others."  Her voice suddenly got serious.

Kion nodded "Right."

The two of them instantly raced out of the Tree, thinking the same thought. What is going to happen to the Tree of Life?

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