Preparations and Patrols

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Bamboo stretched all around Fuli, as she led the Day Pride on their daily patrol, while the Night Pride was resting. But Fuli just couldn't shake the concern and fear she had for Kion. He was always ready to go out on patrol, the first one up! Fuli just couldn't take it anymore. Turning her head she caught sight of Anga.

"Anga!" Fuli called.

Anga did a nose dive and hovered right in front of her. "Yeah?" she said after steadying herself. 

"Fly to the Tree and check on Kion," Fuli instructed. "Then come back here and tell us if he is OK or not,"

"What about eyes in the sky? There are bound to be problems going on," Anga asked worriedly.

Fuli flicked her tail dismissively. "Ono can be our eyes in the sky for the time being. It's more important to make sure our best friend, who is also the king, is OK," 

Anga nodded and flew off, through the gap in the bamboo. Fuli turned her head to Ono, but before she could say anything, Bunga piped up.

"Hey, where's Anga going?" He asks.

"Anga has gone to check on Kion to make sure he's OK," Fuli replied curtly.

"Oh good! I want to know how Kion is doing," Beshte says from behind.

"Indeed," Ono adds

Fuli twitched her ear irritably. "Guys listen! Ono, I want you to be our eyes in the sky until Anga gets back."

Ono nodded and flew up into the sky to keep an eye out for danger.

"Beshte," Fuli continues. "Take Bunga and head up that way towards where the Penguins are." I'll stay here with Ono. Meet us back at the Tree of Life when-"

Fuli was cut short, when Anga landed again, Ono just behind her.

"I've just seen Kion and Rani! Kions doing well, but he told me to get you guys and come back to the Tree, the Night Pride is already there!"

"What about the patrol?" Ono asked.

"He said we can finish that later, now come on," Anga took off again, Ono right behind her.

"You heard her come on!" Fuli yells over her shoulder to Bunga and Beshte. The Day Pride raced back to the tree as fast as they could. When they finally made it, they said their hello's and listened to the troubling news Kion had brung. 

"For the last couple of nights," Kion began. "I've been having the same dream over and over again,"

"What was the dream?" Nirmala asked.

"I'm getting to that," Kion says, with a twitch of his ear. "The Tree of Life was on fire, EVERYTHING was on fire. The animals living here were fleeing for their lives, and-" Kion broke off, feeling the same pain he had felt when he had first seen the vision.  

Rani twined her tail with his and looked at him encouragingly. 

 Kion took a deep breath. "We had all been defeated. And every time at the end of the dream, there was a tiger. It kept saying that we've lost."

"It could just be a dream," Baliyo said hopefully. He looked around at the gathered pride. "Just playing out Kion's worst fear?"

Kion shook his head. "If it had been just my imagination, I wouldn't have imagined a tiger. Maybe Scar or like a leopard."

Rani stood up. "We must double the guard around our kingdom!" She announced. 

"But how can we do that?" Bunga asked. "We've designed the regular patrols to not take up so much of our energy, but by the end of it, I'm so tired I can't move a muscle!"

"For once Bunga's right," Ono says. "Our bodies can only do so much! Common knowledge, really,"

"And some of us are awake only at night or in the day," Ullu adds.

Kion and Rani exchanged a glance. "That's why Rani, Makini, and I, have come up with a plan that will make sure the Tree of Life is always on guard, without us using more energy than usual," Kion says.

"Well then let's hear it," Surak says.

"Makini will you do the honors?" Rani inquires the Mandril. 

Makini took a deep breath. "OK," she says. "But no interruptions!" She says with a stern look at Baliyo and Bunga.

"What me?" Bunga says looking shocked.

Fuli and Anga just rolled their eyes in unison, while Beshte nudged Bunga slightly.

"Little B, shush!" He whispers.

Makini began telling them the plan. "The Mountain Pass must always be guarded, and so at night, Ullu will be up on her branch keeping watch, but Nirmala and Sirak will be keeping guard with her. Meanwhile, Rani and Baliyo will be doing the normal patrol, and Ullu can come and get them if something happens, while Nirmala and Surak hold off any invaders."

The Night Pride and Ullu nodded, as they begin to understand the plan. 

"The Day Pride," Makini went on. "Will have almost a similar patrol. As in Ono will be on Ullu's branch, with Beshte and Fuli guarding the pass as well. Anga, Kion, and Bunga on the other hand, will be doing the daily patrol, and if anything happens Ono can go and find them."

The Day Pride and Night Pride looked at each other as they began to believe the plan might actually work.

"I'll be in the Tree, assisting Kion or Rani, when the other is on a patrol," Makini finishes. 

"That really might actually work!" Fuli said, standing up, her eyes shining with delight. 

Kion rose up from where he was. "We must do whatever it takes to protect the kingdom, and the animals that live here," He told them seriously. 

Rani arose next to him. "With strength and respect!"

"Day and Night Pride Protect!" They shouted in unison.

"Oh yes," Says a mysterious voice. "Try protecting the land all you want! It will only make your defeat so much better..."

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