The First Encounter

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Rani looked down at the vast land in astonishment. This was the place Kion grew up. She had never been to the Pridelands, it was too far away, especially once she became queen, and she had royal duties to attend to.  She had always planned to make the trip one day, it's just that time had never come. Rani glanced at Kion and saw longing in his eyes.

Rani nudged him. "Why don't we go to Pride Rock and meet your family?"

Kion instantly agreed. "But first, we need to get cleaned up,"

"And you need to get that thorn out of your pad," Rani added.

Kion nodded and began to experiment with his pad. He suddenly grasped something and pulled as hard as he could. The thorn was long and had a curved end. Once the two of them had buried the thorn, they cleaned each other up until all the blood was gone. Rani was suddenly struck with an idea. 

"We could use some of the plants around here!" She said, glancing around them. 

Kion looked at her. "What does that mean?" 

Rani rolled her eyes. "It means that the Tree of Life isn't the only way to heal. There are plants with unique properties that can help."

Kion clued in. "If we can use those we might not actually need to go to the Pridelands for help," There was a note of regret in his voice.

Rani rested her tail on his back. "Of course, we're still going to the Pridelands to meet your family again. And anyway, I still have to see the Pridelands." 

Kion looked uncertain. "I don't want to worry them by telling them what's going on back at the Tree." 

Rani looked at him sympathetically. "If you don't think it's a good time to go visit your family, then you know I'll back you up all the way," 

Kion felt his mate rub her head against his shoulder, and he breathed in her sweet scent. "Right now, our friends need more help, and the Pridelands will always be here," 

Rani nodded, and privately, she was a tiny bit relieved. Sure she wanted to meet Kion's family, but right now, the Tree of Life needed her more. 

The two lions began up the slope back into the cave system, with Kion glancing back sorrowfully at the land where he grew up, before plunging into the endless darkness after his Queen. 

Fuli saw the shock on each of her friend's faces. 

Bunga looked furious. "I'll find that tiger and flay its skin," He vowed. "Nobody takes my best friend!" 

Fuli glared at Bunga. "We might find this tiger who took them, but we don't kill, and you know that very well," 

Bunga grudgingly agreed, and Fuli instantly took charge. 

"Night Pride, get some rest," Fuli instructed them. Turning, she looked at the Day Pride. "We will carry on as usual, but somebody will have to take care of the royal duties," Fuli went on. "And so, I will remain here with Makini. I'm fully confident that Beste can defend the Mountain Pass on his own, while Anga and Bunga patrol the kingdom,"

They all looked uncertainly at Fuli, but before they could say anything Ono piped up. 

"I think Fuli's plan is actually a good one," He announced. 

Ullu also added, "Me too, someone has to be taking care of the Day royal duties, and then at night Sirak can do that, while Nirmola guards the Mountain Pass,"  

Fuli blinked. "Alright we've got to get started-"

Thalia, a mountain goat came running up to them. "Day Pride," She gasped. "Night Pride! Come quickly! Predators are swarming the Mountain Pass!"

Baliyo tried to stand up but sunk back to his knees. "Sorry Thalia," His voice was slurred. "Too tired," 

"It's alright," Fuli said. "Makini, stay here and see if you can do the royal duties for some time. Day Pride, let's go,"  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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