Chapter 6 - Yeet

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Clover was sitting down in the tent. It had been a few days since the group meeting, and her injury was healing well. She was growing really restless of not being active.

The only thing keeping her from busting out of the tent was the fact that her injury was still healing. She was twitching irritably. She didn't want to stay inside any longer.

She tried standing up, stumbling a bit before standing straight. But as she tried to walk, she just fell flat on her face. "...Hmph." She muttered.

She sighed, stumbling back to the bed of blankets and just chilling there boredly. How she longed for someone to talk to. She stared at the lantern that illuminated the tent.

It was pretty around the evening, and she wouldn't expect anything else to light up the area. She worried that the light was bothering Balloon and Nickel. Was it too irritating? Did they find it annoying? Clover shrugged the question off.

She could have sworn she heard Nickel saying something, but she couldn't make out any of the words. She then heard the zipper of her tent open.

"Clover...?" Balloon muttered. "Oh! HI!" Clover exclaimed, happy that someone finally talked to her. "Er- Hey- I know it's late at night and I'm sorry to bother you-" Balloon was cut off.

"BOTHER ME? Hahah! You aren't bothering me! I've needed someone to talk to anyways, hehe!" Clover was giggling uncontrollably.

"Clover, I need you to be serious here- I heard- Noises outside of my tent. I- I don't know what it was, but I NEED your help-" Balloon muttered nervously.

"Oooh, oki!" Clover stumbled upwards. "Can you walk-?" Balloon asked. "Yeh." Clover replied, giving a thumbs up. "Good-" Balloon headed outside. Clover stumbled after him, tripping over every so often.

Balloon looked back at Clover. "Are you sure you don't need help with walking-?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine-" Clover stammered. They headed outside the camp.

The snow continued falling onto the snow, being lit silver by the moonlight. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary..." Clover muttered.

"Exactly. We don't /SEE/ it. But I heard it. I swear." Balloon replied. "Balloon, there's nothing wro-" A voice interrupted them.

"AMBUUUUUUUSH-" It was Bot's voice.

Bot jumped down from a tree branch and drop kicked Balloon in the head, causing him to black out with a yelp.

Clover blinked as Goo tied Balloon to a tree. "Wha- Goo? Bot? What are you guys doing here?" Clover asked.

"We heard everything." Bot whispered, randomly appearing on Clover's shoulder. Clover flinched. "So, we hear you wanna go do something?" Goo asked, appearing on Clover's other shoulder.

"E-" Clover was stunned. "I mean, yeah, but- Did you REALLY have to knock out Balloon?" She asked, pointing to Balloon, who was tied to the tree. "He wouldn't have let us in. We kinda had to." Goo muttered.

"...Oh." Clover sighed. "Soooo, can we go do something fun?" Bot asked, staring at Clover expectantly and hopefully.

After a long moment of silence, Clover obliged. "Ok, ok, fine." She giggled.

"YAAAAAAY!" Bot exclaimed, hopping off of Clover's shoulder and dragging Goo with them. Goo yelped as he flopped against the ground.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Bot grabbed Clover's hand and dragged her along.

Goo was starting to lead the way. Clover had no idea where they were going, but she followed along anyway, trying not to stumble at all.

They walked a long, long way, but Bot and Goo never seemed to get tired. A part of Clover wanted to collapse and fall asleep on the snow, but Bot kept dragging her along.

Clover sighed. "...I'm getting tired." She admitted, letting go of Bot's hand.

"Aw... OOHOOHOHOHOOH I HAVE AN IDEA-" Bot gasped. "GOO DO YOU HAVE THAT SLED?" They asked, eyeing Goo.

"Always." Goo sneered, casually spawning a sled. "How-" Clover was cut off. "Don't ask questions and get in the sled-" Goo muttered. "...Okay-!" Clover laughed nervously. "Now you don't need to walk! And thennn you won't be tired! Yippee, compromise!" Bot began pulling the sled.

Goo was just chilling next to Clover. "I don't think they know what a compromise is..." Goo sighed. "Yep." Clover whispered in response. "Guys! We're here!" Bot exclaimed. "HOW FAST WERE WE GOING-?" Clover stammered.

"...Fast fast." Bot snickered. Clover showed visible fear. "Anyways, we're heerere!" Bot pointed to the tall structure, topped with snow and seemingly crumbling.

"Wait-... Our school? I- I thought MePhone4 destroyed it!" Clover gasped. "He didn't DESTROY it, he only damaged it. Now come on!" Bot scrambled inside.

"...Welp, lets go." Goo sighed, following Bot. Clover also followed close behind as they entered the broken building.

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