Chapter 13 - Clover and the power of Shipping

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Everyone was working on new buildings for the new society. This was a time for a fresh start.

Lightbulb and Paintbrush were working on a cabin, Test Tube and Fan were in charge of decoration, OJ and Bot were out hunting, and Clover and Balloon were sitting on the rock, watching everyone work below while Nickel practically supervised them. He was watching them like a hawk.

"Nickel, why can't we help?" Clover asked, eyes wide. "Because, it's dangerous," Nickel sighed. "But I have luck powers, don't I?" Clover blinked a few times.

"...You aren't going out there, Clover." Nickel snapped. Clover jumped back. "W-Well- There's nothing you can do to stop m-"

Clover was cut off as Nickel grabbed her by the jacket collar.


Clover whimpered as Nickel set her down. "...Yes, sir..." She stammered. "Good. Now, I'm going to supervise the construction. Balloon, keep an eye on her." Nickel mumbled, walking off the rock.

Balloon scooted over to Clover. "...What in the world is up with him?" Balloon blinked in confusion. "I'm really not sure if what he's doing is good anymore..." He added.

"...Oh come on, like you said, he's a responsible individual." Clover chuckled nervously. Balloon gulped. Did he really want to tell her the truth?

Clover continued watching everyone have fun with the building. She felt like she was missing out. "...You really wanna go help, don't you?" Balloon stared at her. "...Yeah." Clover replied, almost shamefully. Was it because of how Nickel had treated her after she asked?

Balloon stood up. "Hey, yknow, Nickel only said I had to keep an eye on you. He never said anything about where we can go." He smirked.

Clover looked up at him. "Woah... You mean-" She was smiling hopefully. "Yep. Let's go!" They both got off the rock and headed to Test Tube and Fan.

"Hey guys! Can Clover help you decorate?" Balloon asked. "Mhm! Come on Clover!" Fan exclaimed. Clover stared at Balloon, whispering a 'thank you' before heading off with Test Tube and Fan.

Balloon made sure to keep an eye on her from the rock as they all decorated the trees. That was when Nickel walked behind Balloon.

"BALLOON." His voice was extremely angry.

Balloon turned around nervously. "...Haha... Hi, Nickel..." He stammered.

Nickel stepped on Balloon's foot. "DON'T PLAY NICE WITH ME. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID." He snapped. "Hey, you told me I only had to keep an eye on her-" Balloon was cut off.

"YOU KNEW WHAT I MEANT, IDIOT." Nickel grabbed a knife.

"I could pop you right here, right now." He whispered.

Balloon was frozen in horror. "No- No please-..." Balloon was starting to shake. "Then never disobey my orders again. NEVER." Nickel put the knife back in his hat as Balloon headed off, breathing heavily.

He stared at Clover, who was happily decorating the area. At least she was enjoying herself. Balloon sighed and sat down by the fireplace.

Why is Nickel like this? Why? WHY? He thought to himself. Balloon was quickly absorbed into his own self-panic. I shouldn't have set off those firecrackers! But- But- If I didn't, Nickel might've killed me! And he still would've gotten the attention anyway... Oh what am I going to do?? He thought, visibly nervous.

That was when there was a tap on his shoulder. "Balloon? ...You ok?" OJ asked. "Wha- Yeah I'm ok-" Balloon stammered.

OJ snickered. "You dirty little liar." He stared at Balloon smugly. "Ahah- Uh- What-?" Balloon stammered.

OJ leaned forward. "Come on, just tell me... I won't bite." He winked. At that point Balloon instantly broke. "Aahha why are you acting like this-" He asked nervously. "Acting like... What?" OJ asked, staring at him.

Balloon blinked a few times. "...Aah nevermind-" He stuttered.

"Well, if you're sure you're ok, I'll be getting back to work. Seeya."

OJ walked back to Bot and they went back into the forest, silently whispering 'Oh god why did I do that?' over and over.

Clover walked behind him. "What was that, Balloon?" Clover asked in a sing-songy voice. "Clover, I really don't know, ok-?" Balloon asked.

"Duude he was totally flirting with you!" Clover giggled. "Wha- Oh come on Clover, that's-" Clover was giggling almost devilishly.

"CLOVER-" Balloon blinked at her. "PFFFT-" Clover couldn't hold in her laughter anymore. "I ship it." She snickered. "WE AREn'T a thiNG CloVER-" Balloon whined. "I SHIP IT!!" Clover cackled.

Oh "SHHHHH-" Balloon covered Clover's mouth. "Well you shouldn't scream stuff in a crowd full of people-!" He stammered, blushing in embarrassment. "Are you saying that because you LIIIIKE HI-" Clover's mouth was shut again.

"CLOVER STOP SCREAMING THINGS LIKE THAT IN PUBLIC...!" Balloon yelped. "You TOTAL SIMP!" Clover teased. "I AM NOT!" Balloon protested. "ARE TOO!" Clover snickered.

Balloon and Clover were bickering for a while until Lightbulb interrupted. "Hey, what are you guys arguing about?!" She asked. "Clover thinks I have a crush on OJ!" Balloon snapped.

"And he probably does~" Clover teased.

"SHUT UP!" Balloon snapped, completely flustered.

"Woah, woah guys, calm down..." Lightbulb stammered. "I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this, ok? How about you two just stay away from each other for a while, just so everyone can focus. Your bickering has been catching the eye of everyone-" She muttered.

Clover and Balloon had shocked expressions. "Oh my god." Balloon muttered. "...Yeah. Clover, stop teasing him. Balloon, stop yelling. Boom, compromise." Lightbulb had an exhausted tone as she turned back to Paintbrush.

Clover sighed. "Sorrry, Balloon..." She whimpered.

Balloon was silent. "Are you mad at me...?" Clover asked. Balloon didn't reply and just walked away. "...Oh yeah. He IS mad." She sighed.

(Yeah, I was desperate for Balloon to have a love interest, and I'm not gonna ship him with Nickel for obvious reasons in Cruel Winter, so I went for the second best thing- - Author)

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