Chapter 8 - Enlightning

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Bot was walking around the dull building. The school had changed a lot since it was shut down–and not in a good way.

The walls were dark and decaying, moss and ivy growing up them, there were holes in the walls, and the place was probably bug-ridden. Bot shuddered at the thought of bugs being everywhere.

Clover and Goo followed close behind. "Bot, seriously, this place seems like it's about to collapse..." Goo insisted. "Oh come on, you've been saying that for an hour now and nothing has been coming down on us. You're just being paranoid!" Bot laughed it off. Goo had a disgruntled look on his face, but he shook his head and kept going along.

Clover was starting to draw her hands across the walls, studying the decaying brick. "Woah... These walls are dusty. I mean, I know the school had a low budget, but really?" Clover sighed, shaking the dust off of her oversized sleeves.

"Yeah, and the lowest of all was the students." Goo sighed. "Especially that son of a bitch, Silver Spoon." He added. Clover seemed to shake at the thought of Silver Spoon.

Bot turned to Clover, blinking at her for a few seconds before grabbing her hand. "Hey, don't worry. Silver isn't here anymore, ok? He hasn't been seen in a while, for all we know." They smiled. "...But Silver is still out there." Clover whispered.

Goo sighed, hopping onto Clover's head. "Well he sure as hell isn't here right now. He can't hurt you. Not as long as we're around." He assured her.

Clover smiled lightly. "...Thanks, guys..." She muttered. "No problem!," Bot hopped infront of Clover.

"Besides, you stood up for us, why can't we stand up for you?" They added. Clover smiled. "Haha, fair point!" She admitted. "Well, we should be getting back on track now, shouldn't we?" Goo suggested. "Yea, probably." Bot shrugged, as if they weren't particularly sure. "Come on, let's go-"

Clover was quickly cut off as a sound–which sounded like a locker shutting–was heard.

"...What the hell was that-?" Bot asked, looking around nervously. "I don't know..." Goo mumbled. Another noise sounded. It was quiet footsteps, pattering against the ground.

Everyone froze. "...W-What was that...?" Clover asked nervously. "I have no idea-..." Bot stuttered, hopping onto Clover's shoulder.

The sky was getting dark, darker, yet darker, and the schoolhouse followed said darkness.. Goo blinked at Clover. "Clover, did you happen to bring a flashlight?" He asked. "No... But let me see if I have anything in my pockets." Clover exclaimed.

Clover searched her pockets for anything until she pulled out a container of matchsticks. "Bingo!" She exclaimed. Clover opened the box.

"Hold on, let me do it. You're a plant, and you might be more prone to fire-" Bot muttered. "...Oki-" Clover sighed in response.

Bot grabbed the box and dragged the matchstick across the striker, causing the tip of the match to burn with flames. "Got it!" They exclaimed. "Alright guys... Stick together. We're gonna go find whatever–no–whoever is here." Goo ordered. Clover and Bot nodded.

Bot hopped off of Clover's shoulder and walked beside Goo, Clover trailing behind them. Bot stared at the lights of the building. They were so dimly lit, it was hard to tell they were even on, but it gave a faint glow to the schoolhouse.

Bot gulped as another set of footsteps could be heard. "Oh lord... Why did I bring us here...?" They muttered to themself. Suddenly, a flickering yellowish light could be seen in the distance.

"Huh?" Clover muttered, looking around. "...Come on." Goo muttered, slinking toward the light.

As they got closer, they heard a door opening. The three tip-toed across the hall, around the corner near the room the creature had entered.

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