Chapter 7 - Crystal Dreams

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Test Tube and Fan we're heading to a cave. Their footsteps trailed through the paper-white snow, indenting footprints in every step.

"I'm so excited! Are you excited, Testy?" Fan leaned over to face Test Tube.

"Mhm," Test Tube replied groggily. "Also, don't call me Testy." She added hastily. "Ok ok sorry-" Fan giggled nervously.

The stars in the sky lit up the trees, giving them a faint glow. Test Tube and Fan walked and did nothing, and walked and did nothing, and walked and did nothing.

"Uuuuugh." Fan sighed in frustration.

"Are we there yet? My legs are getting REALLYREALLYREALLYTIRED." He grumbled.

"We aren't there yet, buuut... I can solve your other problem." Test Tube snickered. Fan looked up at her, wide-eyed. "...Piggyback ride?" He gasped childishly.

"Yis." Test Tube replied. "YAAAAAAY!" Fan started spinning around in circles.

"Come on-" Test Tube sighed, an amusing tone hidden somewhere in her voice. Fan giggled and hopped onto Test Tube's back, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Thank you Testtyyyyyy!" Fan exclaimed. Test Tube's eye twitched at the nickname, but she shook it off. "...Your welcome-" She muttered.

Test Tube didn't seem to mind having to carry the extra weight–if Fan was even heavy at all–and kept walking.

Test Tube could see the cave in the distance. "Fan! Fan! We're almost there!" She exclaimed, having a happy expression for the first time in weeks.

"It is? YAY!" Fan gasped. Fan hopped off of Test Tube's back and hurried to the cave entrance. "WHA- Hey, wait up!" Test Tube ran after him in a panic. The cave entrance was dark. Darker than a void itself.

"Do you have the thing?" Test Tube asked. "Yep." Fan pulled a flashlight out of his winter hat. He clicked the button and the light beamed a path out in front of them. "This is gonna be fun!" Fan exclaimed, bounding inside.

Test Tube took a step forward, but hesitated. Was this a good idea? She shook her head. It wasn't dangerous or anything. She followed Fan and the trail of light, the only thing illuminating their path. Without it, they'd be bumping into everything.

One of them could get a concussion. Someone would definitely pass out, though. That's a guarantee. Test Tube looked around at the deep, stone gray cavern. It looked normal. Keyword: Looked. Something about it just... Unsettled her.

It gave off an ominous, mystical aura. She gulped. Suddenly, she bumped into a stalactite. "OW-!" She yelped, putting her hand on her forehead. "At least I'm not tall." Fan teased. Test Tube huffed, looking to the side in embarrassment.

That was when Fan bumped into a rock sticking out from the ground.

Fan screeched, his loud pitchy voice echoing through the cave. "Aaand, at least I'm not short." Test Tube rolled her eyes and smirked.

Fan let out a 'hmph' and turned away. "Oh come on, shooortie." Test Tube teased. "Or are your stubby legs too tired to keep going?" Her voice was sarcastic. Fan whipped around. "OH COME ON, I'M NOT THAT SHORT-!" He yelled. Test Tube flinched at his sudden raised tone. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." She sighed, smiling.

"Hmph... I forgive you." Fan's eyes darted to the side in annoyance. "Wait. Fan. Do you... See that?" Test Tube pointed to a faint blue light in the distance.

"...Yeah... Let's go check it out!" Fan exclaimed, a smile coming onto his face. Fan grabbed Test Tube's arm and dragged her toward the light. "This is so exciting!" He exclaimed. They were greeted with an odd blue crystal.

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