New neighbor

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"Damn who the fuck is being this loud!" You whisper yell to yourself as you start to wake up from your slumber.

You reached over to grab your phone to check the time.

'6:30am fuck!'

you heard a loud noise coming from the front of your house.

'Did I lock the doors?' You thought as you got up from your bed.

You slowly crept open the door to your bedroom and you looked out into your living room. There was no one there but you heard noise from the hallway.

"Ayo why you-" you swung open the front door to see a tall male with blonde hair and a shorter dude with black hair.

"I'm so sorry for being loud!" A women with brown hair and glasses walked up to you holding a lamp.

"Do y'all know what time it is?"

"Unfortunately we do and I apologize for the noise." The blonde man said.

The shorter man just looked at you up and down.

'The fuck is his problem?'

"Well uh can you keep it down? I'm trynna sleep."

"Yes ma'am" the hyper women responded.

"Okay bye." You shut your door.

'Was that my new neighbor? Oh my god he was actually kinda fine!'

You walked back to your room and you grabbed your phone to scroll through tiktok. You only planned on watching a couple of videos but you ended up watching until 8am then fell asleep.

You didn't know what time Leo wanted to go to the store but you knew he would come wake you up.


"HUH WHAT?" You jumped up.

"I've been calling you for the past hour! Why the fuck aren't you up?"

"Okay no need to yell! And why didn't you just come up and wake me up?"

"You know I hate coming to this floor! It's like Hitch knows when I'm here and she's always stopping me in the hallway!"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that!"

"Get dressed!" Leo yelled and stormed out the room.

"Okay father." You rolled your eyes and got out the bed.

You threw on some grey Nike sweats and a black sweater then went to your bathroom. After brushing your teeth and washing your face you quickly put your hair into a ponytail.

'Damn I need a new style.' You thought to yourself.

"Let's go! I got my shift In 2 hours."

"Damn leo calm down! I ain't eat yet!"

"Just grab a banana and let's fucking go!"

"Okay damn!" You grabbed the banana off your counter and walked out the door with Leo in front.

"Oh Leo! Hi!" Hitch opened her door.

"Eh hey hitch." Leo gave her a fake smile.

"You look great today!"

"Yeah thanks me and y/n gotta go! Imma text- see you whenever."

"Nigga you be texting her?" You laugh as you both walk to the elevator.

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