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Natalie Hemingway stood in front of what could be her future - Styles Publication and Co. one of the worlds well-known fashion and media corporations in New York City since the early 90's. Just looking at how tall it was made her even more nervous. It was a huge twenty story office building. This was an opportunity of all opportunities, and it's one she wanted the most in life right now. It was hard to get an interview, let alone get hired. She would look online every hour of every day for an open position for months, and never any luck. But just last week while getting ready to run some errands, she decided to check the page and lo and behold there was an opening for a personal assistant for Mr. Styles himself. Her fingers could not move fast enough when clicking apply and sending in her resume.

Clicking the side button on her phone, she saw that it was a quarter to 10. Natalie had made sure to leave her apartment early just in case anything could happen - traffic, tearing a hole in her skirt, dropping coffee on her outfit, etc. And it always looked good to be early than on time.

Natalie made her way to the receptionist desk. The security guard accepted her identification once confirming her on the list, and then gave her a special key card and special instructions on how to use the elevator to gain access to the top floor. He then proceeded to tell her to turn in the key card to the receptionist when she got there. She proceeded to the elevator and waited.

People gathered around her. Men in fancy expensive suits, and women in suits or dresses looking so posh-like. Following the instructions, she used the key card and code on the elevator to the far right - one that only allowed access to the last 3 floors of the building. The doors opened and she entered.

She watched as the number on the top counted up and up and up. It honestly felt like an eternity with the way her heart was hammering out of her chest from nerves. This elevator clearly was taking its time getting her to the top floor.

The lobby had floor-to-ceiling windows looking over the New York Skyline, marble floors, and white sand stone. Sitting at the receptionist desk is a young and beautiful blonde. When she noticed Natalie was approaching, she smiled.

"Hi. I'm here to see Mr. Styles."


"Natalie Hemingway."

"Hemingway. Hemingway," She said as she scanned down a list. "Ah yes, found you. If you could take a seat over there," She pointed to the seating area off to the side, "I will grab you in just a moment."

Natalie went over to the couch and sat down. She knew nothing of the CEO. He was one to stay kind of hidden from the spotlight, and liked to stay anonymous. She read somewhere that he was almost like a silent partner, and that he had someone go to events for him, and pretty much do everything that was "public." But honestly, she didn't know if that were true or not. Not knowing much about him made Natalie nervous. She couldn't find too much information on him, besides he was young and very, very bright. But other than that, she couldn't find useful information on him that she could possibly use towards the interview and wow him.

"Mr. Styles would like to see you now."

Natalie was knocked back into reality and smiled at the receptionist and said a small "Thank you."

Getting up from the chair, she breathed in and then out. "I can do this. I can do this." She mentally repeated to herself. Natalie knocked softly on the office door. She heard a faint "come in" from behind the door. When she walked in, she was not expecting this gorgeous man sitting right in front of her to be the CEO. He was so young - definitely not what she expected. This man had curly brown locks that were up to his shoulders, twinkling green eyes, and dimples to die for. Now she could see why he was so anonymous. He probably liked to keep his privacy and not be evaded by swarms of girls. He looked up from his computer and motioned for her to sit. She set down her resume in front of him and did as he asked.

Mr. Styles Would Like To See You NowWhere stories live. Discover now