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Natalie walked down the hall towards Mr. Styles office. Her heart was beating so fast, nervous about what he was going to say, but excited about what he might do. Breathing in, she held it in for about five seconds, then released it before knocking on his door.

"Come in" was heard from the other side.

Natalie peeked her head inside. "You wanted to see me, sir." She made sure to emphasize the word sir.

He had a ghost of a smirk on his face. But his tone stayed calm and professional. "Yes. Please come take a seat." From behind his desk, she could tell he was patting his lap.

Closing the door behind her, she moved towards one of the seats that sat in front of his desk and rested her hands in her lap and intertwined them.

"How is your day going?" She was taken aback. He's asking her how her day was going? He could clearly see her confusion and laughed. "Yes I'm asking you how your day is going."

"I mean it's going good. I'm ready for it to hit six and be the weekend already."

"Hmm," is all he said.


"I was wondering, if you weren't busy tonight. You'd like to accompany me to an event as my date. I need to go to promote the newest issue and tease the spring line that's coming out soon."

"Me? Don't you want to take one of the receptionists? Or I'm sure you have plenty of other options."

"No," he pursed his lips together, "I'm asking you. I want you to go."

"Wouldn't people see us?"

"Yes and no. Yes, there will be people that work here that will be there. But no, you don't need to worry about anything. It will be a few of the higher ups - like myself, my CFO Austin, and Tristan and Camden from publication, and Rebekah from fashion. I only really need to make an appearance."

Natalie had to think about it. Was she afraid rumors would be spread? Yes. Did she want people to think Harry and herself fucked? Yes, even though they already did, but no one needs to know that. Did she even have an outfit for tonight? In reality, probably not. Could she even afford a whole new attire? Again, probably not. Her eyes wandered over to Harry, where he was sitting back in his chair, staring at her, with his chin resting on his hands.

"If I'm being honest here. I don't think I can afford to buy a whole new attire for this event. Right now I'm getting back on my feet since I had to wait about three weeks just to get my paycheck since I had started in the middle of the week. And literally budgeted on what I had in my bank account at the moment."

"Do you realize who I am and where you work?"

"What does that have anything to do with me?"

"Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. You work at a fashion company where we have hundreds of clothes in that specific department that are being unused, have probably been worn once or not at all, and will just be sitting there until the new line is brought in. Then those beautiful pieces of clothing will be put away for who knows how long. Do you catch my drift?"

This was the first time he had actually used her first name, and it shot electricity throughout her body and in between her thighs. The things this man does to her with just his own words, let alone his looks, is indescribable.

"I couldn't ask for that. That's way too generous."

"I wasn't suggesting. I was telling you."


"Good girl. Now go downstairs to Rebekah, tell her I sent you down, and she will find the perfect outfit for you to wear tonight. And it is yours to keep."

Mr. Styles Would Like To See You NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora