You've Got Mail

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Natalie looks up from the file she was working on to see a new message in her inbox. She hovered her mouse on the icon to open it up to see it was sent from Harry. She wasn't use to him directly messaging her.

From: Harry Styles
Subject: Checking In
Date: June 23, 2022, 8:33 a.m.
To: Natalie Hemingway

Dear Ms. Hemingway,

I can't stop thinking about how I had you bent over my desk yesterday and the way you moaned my name. My cock just gets hard thinking about it.

Harry Styles

Styles Publication and Co.

Natalie gasped at the email she had just received. Rubbing her eyes to make sure it was real. Shocked he would be so bold and send that. Especially during work hours and on company email. She looked to the right then to the left to make sure no one was around before she responded back.

From: Natalie Hemingway
Subject: Peachy
Date: June 23, 2022, 8:35 a.m.

To: Harry Styles

Dear Mr. Styles,

I think you may have the wrong girl. I don't recall such an eventful night. If it were me, I think you would have to be a little more specific and elaborate on what you mean. You know, just to confirm if this was me, or not.

Natalie Hemingway
Personal Assistant
Styles Publication and Co.

From: Harry Styles
Subject: I like peaches
Date: June 23, 2022, 8:37 a.m.
To: Natalie Hemingway

Dear Ms. Hemingway,

You must know I'm very fond of peaches ;) Especially yours. It was like taking a bite of out a juicy forbidden fruit. And you now are my little forbidden fruit. If you have a moment of your time, I would like to show you rather than tell you in detail. I always thought hands on experience over reading was a more successful method. My office door is always open. Always. Open. If I didn't make myself clear.

Harry Styles
Styles Publication and Co.

Natalie tapped on her chin trying to figure out what would be a good response. She read it over and over and over again. This man was charming. Maybe too charming. But she couldn't help but feel an electric shock course through her body with just the thought of going up to his office, and re-doing everything they had done just yesterday. He wasn't kidding when he said it was like a bite of a forbidden fruit. Because, oh boy, was she addicted.

From: Natalie Hemingway
Subject: Schedule
Date: June 23, 2022, 8:39 a.m.

To: Harry Styles

Dear Mr. Styles,

That's going to be a tough one there. I would have to check my very, very busy schedule. But I can get back to you in 3-5 business days, if you'd like?

Natalie Hemingway
Personal Assistant
Styles Publication and Co.

From: Harry Styles
Subject: I like peaches
Date: June 23, 2022, 8:41 a.m.

To: Natalie Hemingway

Dear Ms. Hemingway,

That was not an option. Get in my office now.

Harry Styles
Styles Publication and Co.

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