Chapter 1.

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I wake up, I wait. Listening for any dangers. I slowly get up, trying my best not to give away my position to anyone or anything that might be nearby. I brushed aside the leaves from the thick grove of trees surrounding my hideout. A layer of fog covers the forest. Another night had passed without any problems. I reach into my pack so I can eat quick and then get out of here. Last night, I had killed a peach. Small creatures, they are correctly named for their round shape and peach color. Small, yes, but very nutritious. I stand while I eat. I look around my hideout, just some teal wood boards placed inside the leaves of a tall, thick tree. I listen as the leaves rustle with the wind. The meat tasted better than any I've ever had. The winter months had just ended, and i hadn't had a good kill in months. The whole winter, I ran off vegetation i had saved. As soon as I finish my meal, I bolt, running as quietly as possible, jumping from branch to branch. I bring myself to a hault after I land in a tree after leaping. There was a sage. Hideous creatures they are, they are green all over with yellow eyes. They seem to have no reproductive parts, so usually they are seen not wearing clothes. They are the meanest, dirtiest liars you will ever meet. I stood there, silent as possible. Frozen in fear. The sage was on the ground, but I was just above it. I looked down. I could see it blink horizontally. I tried not to shiver hearing the sound as it blinked. Suddenly, it looked up, directly at me. I ran. I knew I didn't stand a chance, Sages are incredible climbers with their sharp claws, and their long, slimy tails help them to balance. I could hear it behind me as it ran up the tree. I couod hear as its claws scraped against the hard bark of the thick brach as it ran
Inching closer and closer. I ran faster, but not fast enough. The sage reached me in one big leap. I fell, I hit my head hard. I stood up as fast as I could. I quickly pulled out my crossbow and shot it, but to my surprise, it jumped over the arrow and landed directly behind me. I turned and tried to land a punch, but the sage just dodged. Then it pulled one of my legs straight out from under me. In doing so, its sharp claws cut my ankle. I winced in pain
I reached for my crossbow, which seemed to be yards away, but i finally got my fingers to touch it. I grabbed it, and I had two arrows left. I pulled one of the two out from the satchel around my waist. I managed to land a hit on the Sages eye. There was an awful splat sound before it let out a horrible shreik. A splotches of a thick, green liquid landed on my cheek and arm. I knew it was blood. I ran, stumbling and leaving a trail of blood. Someone was bound to come soon to see what all the commotion was about, and I didn't want to wait and see who.

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