Chapter 11.

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I sit there awkwardly, awaiting an explanation. I have not had many interactions with others before. Let alone ones that have basically kidnapped me. I notice Alvin looking out the window, at the setting sun. He sighs and stands up "it's getting late, tomorrow we can prep for our journy to the city" i look at him curiously. A city? Like the ones from stories? The ones that used to cover this entire planet but now have turned to technological ruble? "We will explain everything tomorrow. For now, Maria you show him where he can sleep." Maria nods. I say quietly "what.. city? Like ruins?" Alvin doesn't even bother to look at me. "No, we are going to a city. Like the ones with buildings and people" he bites at his nails. "But.. there are none of those, theres nothing left but ruins and stories" i say in a matter-of-fact way. He sighs. "Have you seriously never been to a city?" He looks up from his nails and makes eye contact with me. For some reason i struggle to keep the eye contact so i look at my feet instead. "There.. are cities? Like now? That you can go to?" The thought makes my nerves jump. A city, like from the stories! The ones with detailed architecture and advanced tech and people too i guess, though i like the tech part better. I had poked around with some very old tech before that i found in ruins. I didn't get it to do anything but it still looks fascinating. And i enjoy just running my fingers along it, it felt right. "No, cities are not a myth. They are real and we go to them all the time. It's where we get our supplies, stay for a few days, sometimes weeks." I look at him in awe. Wow.. "how tall are the buildings?" I say without missing a beat. "Nope nope" he says "i am not doing this, if i answer one question you wont stop asking questions. Im tired. Goodnight." He walks out of the room. Leaving me, Maria, Eden, and Temprence. "Dont mind him" said Temprence sweetly "he's just like that" Maria nods. "Here I'll show you to your room. She grabbed my hand, which made me uncomfortable. I felt trapped and i could feel her fingerprints on mine.. ew.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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