Chapter 5.

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I awake with a hazy feeling. I slowly gain a sense of my surroundings. A little pain in my neck greets me as I sit up. I rub my eyes. I was in a room, sitting on a bed with animal skin blankets. The bed was tucked into a nook, just big enough to fit the small bed. I look around. There was not much to it. I noticed two doors on opposite ends of the room. That meant there were more rooms. There was no point in making a permanent house like this one. Predators and other hunters know your location because you will never leave. And anything could smell your food, not to mention it's a hassle to spend all that time to make a house. I stepped off the bed. My feet were greeted with a fuzzy feeling. A circular blue rug had been placed on the floor. I noticed my pack on the floor propped up against the bed. I immediately rushed to it, I got on my knees and began searching through it. I digged through all the items, my hat. I hugged it against my chest and put it back. I stood as I heard the mumer of voices coming from the other room. I slowly walked toward the door where the sound seemed to come from. I creaked open the door and looked out, there were five people. All gathered around a rectangular table, talking. "Are you sure this is the right decision?" Said one of them. "No, but Mr. Boss man said to do it, so we will do it." Said a man in an affirmative voice. "Yeah, I just feel bad for shooting him.." said a girl with skin that had color like a boat orchids. I reached up and put my hand on my neck, I felt a little bump. She had shot me. I began to remember what had happened, my encounter with the figure. Hazy memories coming back. I put the puzzle pieces together from what I could remember. That girl must be Celia. I'm not sure about anyone else, though. Suddenly, the floor boards creaked beneath my feet, and one of them made eye contact with me.

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