CHAPTER 14 - Pierce Me Through the Broken Glass

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It had been three excruciating months since the fateful plane crash that took Jennie away from me. The pain of her absence seemed to grow with each passing day, and I found myself caught in a web of sorrow and despair. Our once vibrant home now felt empty and lifeless, mirroring the ache in my heart.

As I sat alone in the dimly lit living room, surrounded by the remnants of my anguish, Jisoo's unexpected arrival brought a flicker of light into the darkness. She entered with a mixture of worry and determination, ready to offer her unwavering support and comfort. Jisoo had been my pillar of strength throughout this ordeal, understanding the depths of my grief and doing her best to help me navigate through the storm.

As she took in the scene before her, the scattered bottles of wine reflecting my fragile state, Jisoo's concern deepened. With gentle steps, she made her way towards me, her voice filled with compassion as she uttered my name.

I gazed at Jisoo with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, my heart aching for any sliver of information about Jennie. The past three months had been a haze of despair, clinging to hope while drowning in uncertainty. Jisoo's eyes mirrored my own pain as she took a deep breath, preparing to deliver the latest update.

"Lisa," Jisoo began, her voice filled with empathy, "the investigation has made progress. They have discovered the remnants of the plane, but... there were no bodies found. The authorities suspect that the intense fire consumed everything, including any remains."

My breath caught in my throat, and I struggled to comprehend the weight of those words. No body found. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, leaving me suspended in a purgatory of unanswered questions. I wanted to hold onto hope, but the logical part of me couldn't deny the grim reality.

Tears welled up in my eyes as Jisoo's voice softened, her hand reaching out to comfort me. "Lisa, it's been three months. I know how much you loved Jennie, and I understand your pain. But we have to face the truth. Perhaps it's time to give Jennie a proper funeral, to honor her memory and find closure."

Her words pierced through my heart like a jagged blade, forcing me to confront the reality I had been desperately avoiding. I clung to the remnants of hope, but Jisoo's plea reminded me that there were other ways to honor Jennie's legacy.

Tears streamed down my face as I whispered, "I'm so sorry, Jennie. I didn't want to believe it, but maybe Jisoo is right. It's time to let go and give you the farewell you deserve."

Jisoo's gaze softened, her voice filled with compassion. "Lisa, you've been through so much. Jennie's company, her legacy, it needs you now more than ever. Stand up for her, honor her dreams. Let's find solace in building a future that reflects her spirit."

Her words struck a chord within me, reigniting a flicker of determination amidst the pain. With a heavy sigh, I wiped away my tears and nodded, embracing Jisoo's support.

"You're right, Jisoo. It's time to find strength in the memories we shared and carry Jennie's legacy forward. We'll give her a proper farewell, and I'll devote myself to fulfilling her dreams. For Jennie, and for all that she meant to me."

As the weight of acceptance settled upon my shoulders, I knew that the road ahead would be challenging. But with Jisoo by my side, I found solace in the belief that together, we would honor Jennie's memory and navigate the path of healing.


As the days blurred into nights, and my soul grew heavier with the weight of grief, I found myself seeking solace in the dimly lit corners of Calvin's, a bar nestled in the heart of Gangnam. It became my sanctuary, a refuge from the harsh realities that awaited me outside its doors.

The comforting embrace of alcohol beckoned to me, promising a respite from the agony that consumed my every waking moment. With each glass that met my lips, I sought temporary relief, a fleeting numbness that would momentarily dull the ache within my heart.

The familiar scent of whiskey mingled with the soft murmur of conversations, creating a symphony of distraction that helped drown out the haunting echoes of Jennie's absence. The dim glow of the bar lights cast long shadows across my weary face, revealing the weariness etched into every line and crevice.

I would lose myself in the swirling whirlpool of emotions, each sip of liquor becoming a bittersweet elixir that transported me to a place where pain could be momentarily forgotten. The alcohol became my companion, an unreliable confidant who listened to my sorrows and whispered false promises of liberation.

In those hazy nights, I danced with the ghosts of memories, their specters haunting the corners of my mind. I laughed, I cried, and I tried to drown the echoes of regret that reverberated within me. But as the night wore on, and the numbness gave way to an even deeper abyss, I would find myself confronting the raw reality of my loss.

The bar patrons around me became mere background noise, their faces blurred and indistinguishable. I was a solitary figure, adrift in a sea of alcohol-fueled despair. The ache in my chest remained, unyielding and persistent, even as the alcohol coursed through my veins, clouding my judgment and blurring the edges of my consciousness.

Yet, amidst the haze of my sorrow, a sliver of clarity would occasionally pierce through the fog. I would catch a glimpse of my own reflection in the bar mirror, my eyes reflecting the pain and emptiness that consumed me. It was in those vulnerable moments that I would question the path I had chosen, the reliance on a temporary escape that only served to deepen the chasm within me.

But the pull of the bar's familiarity remained strong, its allure drawing me back night after night. It became a routine, a painful ritual that I clung to in the desperate hope of finding solace within its walls. Yet, deep down, I knew that true healing could not be found in the bottom of a glass.

As I lift my gaze from the glass in my hand, I'm startled to see Karina standing before me. Her eyes show a mix of concern and curiosity. She takes a seat next to me, and we exchange glances that hold years of history.

"Lisa," Karina says softly, her voice tinged with genuine empathy. "I heard about Jennie. I can't imagine what you're going through."

I let out a bitter laugh, a sound laced with pain and exhaustion. "Neither can I, Karina. It feels like a never-ending nightmare."

She reaches out, her hand hovering near mine before she pulls it back. "I wish I could do something to ease your pain. Losing someone you love... it's unimaginably hard."

Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. "Karina, I don't know how to go on without her. She was my everything, my anchor."

Karina's expression softens as she leans closer. "Lisa, you're stronger than you realize. Jennie wouldn't want you drowning in sorrow. She would want you to keep living, to honor her memory."

I shake my head, tears now flowing freely. "It's just so hard, Karina. I don't know how to move forward."

She reaches for my hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just take it one day at a time. Lean on the people who care about you, including me."

I take a shaky breath, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. "Thank you, Karina. I appreciate your support, especially during this difficult time."

She smiles gently, her eyes full of understanding. "Always, Lisa. I'm here for you, no matter what."

In that moment, I realized that despite our past, Karina's presence brings a sense of solace. Maybe, just maybe, with the support of loved ones, I can find the strength to navigate the shattered fragments of my world and slowly rebuild what remains.

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