CHAPTER 15 - Walk Me Along the River Seine

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As I stroll through the lush vineyard, the sun's warm rays caress my skin, and I pluck ripe grapes from their vines. It has been three months since the accident, and my memory remains elusive, like a fragmented puzzle I can't seem to piece together. Here in Abel's home, I've found solace, a haven amidst the chaos that fills my mind.

Day after day, I immerse myself in this new life, trying to make sense of who I am and what I've lost. Abel has been my rock, offering unwavering support and understanding. We share meals, cook together, and venture into the bustling city to sell his exquisite wines. It's a routine that brings a semblance of normalcy to my otherwise uncertain existence.

As I reflect upon the life I had before, I can't help but wonder if it was truly fulfilling. Were there special moments and meaningful connections I can't recall? Or was my life devoid of such deep connections? If there were someone who held a special place in my heart, wouldn't they have come searching for me by now?

In Abel's presence, I find comfort and companionship. We share laughter, stories, and dreams. He's become my confidant, offering patience as I navigate the fragments of my past. While the memories elude me, I've come to cherish the moments we create together, finding joy in the simplest of tasks.

Perhaps, in this twist of fate, I've been granted an opportunity to rediscover myself and explore the depths of my own resilience. The life I lead with Abel may be different from what I once knew, but it's a life filled with warmth and compassion.

As I continue picking grapes, I can't help but feel a glimmer of gratitude. Though my journey is far from over, I'm determined to embrace the present, uncover the mysteries of my past, and forge a path towards a future that holds both answers and the promise of new beginnings.

"Ruby, lunch is ready!" Abel's voice echoed through the vineyard, pulling me back from my thoughts. I paused for a moment, taking in the beauty of the surroundings, and then made my way back towards the house.

As I entered the cozy kitchen, the aroma of a home-cooked meal enveloped me. Abel had prepared a spread of delicious dishes, his culinary skills reliving those of a seasoned chef. We sat down at the table, ready to indulge in the feast before us.

Between bites, I mustered the courage to ask Abel about something that had been on my mind. "Abel, do you think we could go to Paris?" I inquired; my curiosity piqued by the allure of the renowned city. "I don't know if I've ever been there, but since we're in France, it feels like a place I should explore."

Abel looked at me, his eyes filled with kindness and understanding. "Why not, Ruby? Paris is a beautiful city, and it might hold some answers for you. When would you like to go?"

I pondered for a moment, imagining the streets of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, and the romantic ambiance that enveloped the city. "How about next weekend?" I suggested, a tinge of excitement creeping into my voice. "It's spontaneous, I know, but I feel a pull towards that city, as if there's something waiting for me there."

A smile graced Abel's lips as he nodded in agreement. "Next weekend it is, Ruby. We'll embark on this adventure together, and perhaps Paris will unveil some of the secrets your memory holds."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. Paris, a city steeped in history, art, and love, held the potential to unlock fragments of my past. And with Abel by my side, guiding me through this journey, I knew I was not alone.

As we finished our meal, the excitement of our upcoming trip danced in the air. The unknown awaited us, but I embraced it with open arms. Paris, a city of enchantment and possibility, held the key to unraveling the mysteries that lay dormant within me. And together, Abel and I would embark on this quest for answers, hand in hand, ready to discover the truth that awaited us in the City of Light.

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