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walking through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts, the weight of Mira's internal struggle seemed to dissipate with each step. She found solace in the unknown familiarity of the castle's stone walls, their silent presence providing a comforting embrace amidst the sea of worry.

Approaching a portrait of a plump, matronly figure adorned in a flowing gown, Mira paused before the portrait hole leading to the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady, as she was affectionately called, scrutinized Mira with an appraising gaze. She knew the words to enter, and she sensed a purpose in her delayed arrival, allowing the other Gryffindor students to enter ahead of her. Waiting until the echoes of their footsteps faded into silence, Mira took a deep breath and stepped forward, her determined strides guiding her toward the towering painting.

Summoning her resolve, Mira cleared her throat and met the Fat Lady's gaze. Courage was the word she needed. It was a simple word, she thought, ironic considering her legs where trembling with anxiety that held her so tightly, Squeezing at the meagre remnants of her confidence.

She had deliberately waited to enter on her own, seeking to test herself. Shyness and timidity had always held her back, stifling the words she longed to speak, keeping her trapped within a prison of silence. If she couldn't even utter the simple password, how could she prove herself worthy of this esteemed title? Doubt gnawed at her, whispering cruel insinuations that maybe she didn't belong, that perhaps she should be relegated to a less demanding position.

She met the Fat Lady's expectant gaze, silently vowing not to let her own self-doubt define her. "Courage," she spoke, her voice carrying a hint of determination despite the thoughts and emotions swirling within. The sorting hat had made its decision, placing her in Gryffindor. Would it have chosen her without reason? Mira hoped fervently that it saw something in her worthiness, something that she was yet to fully grasp.

The portrait swung open, revealing a warm and inviting space bathed in the flickering glow of firelight. Mira took a deep breath and stepped through the entrance, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and dismay. She yearned to uncover the camaraderie and support that awaited her in Gryffindor, to find a place where she could belong and grow. Yet, beneath her anticipation, a gnawing fear lingered—the fear of unmasking her vulnerabilities, of being exposed to the judgment and scrutiny of her peers.

As she ventured into the Gryffindor common room, she couldn't help but wonder if she would find acceptance among her new companions. Would they see beyond her facade? Would they embrace her for who she truly was? Mira knew that she had to be brave not only in the face of external challenges but also in revealing her true self, flaws and all. It was a journey she was determined to embark upon, navigating the uncharted waters of friendship, trust, and self-discovery.

And then she saw them, a trio of radiant young witches, their presence emanating an almost ethereal glow. It was as if they were silently beckoning Mira to turn her gaze their way, yet their positioning in the farthest corner of the common room created an intriguing contrast. In the heart of the group, a spirited girl with fiery red locks and an unwavering gaze seized Mira's attention. Beside her, a short-haired blonde with a mischievous smile appeared to be weaving tales of audacious exploits to the delight of her companions. And on the other side, a warm and affable girl with cascading curls of dark brown hair, as deep as the night sky, exuded an irresistible charm.

Summoning her courage, Mira cautiously made her way toward the trio, her mind fraught with concerns about how to make a good impression. The youthfulness of her new peers gave her pause, as she knew all too well the potential for cruelty that resided within young hearts. However, observing their demeanour, she couldn't help but sense an air of approachability and kindness. With a nervous yet hopeful smile etched on her face, she approached their table, her steps faltering slightly as she silently pleaded for this encounter not to turn into an agonizing memory she would replay in the late hours of sleepless nights.

"Hi," she greeted, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. "I'm Mira. Mind if I join you?"

The trio of girls turned their attention towards Mira, their eyes gleaming with curiosity as they studied her. Their welcoming expressions held a touch of mischief and warmth, making her feel at ease in their presence. The brown-haired girl, brimming with enthusiasm, began to grin as she spoke up.

"Of course! Your new here to, right?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. Mira nodded her head unable to think of something to say. The blonde-haired girl smiled, extending a hand in a friendly gesture.

"I'm Marlene McKinnon," she introduced herself with effervescent charm. "And this lovely lady beside me is Mary Macdonald," Marlene said, gesturing to the kind-hearted girl beside her. Mary greeted Mira with a warm smile and a nod.

"And right in the middle, we have the spirited redhead herself, Lily Evans," Marlene continued, directing Mira's attention to the vibrant girl between them to which Lily grinned mischievously.

Mira's curiosity piqued as she sat beside the blonde-haired girl who she now knew to be Marlene McKinnon. she couldn't help but inquire further, "So, how did you all end up getting accepted to Hogwarts?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine interest.

Marlene chuckled, leaning back in her chair. "Well, I come from a long line of witches, so attending Hogwarts was practically a family tradition. It's like a magical legacy or whatever" she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Mary, with a gentle smile, joined in. "I, on the other hand, come from a Muggle family. But I guess this could be a new tradition".

"My parents are both Muggles as well, but they've always been incredibly supportive, ever since I first showed signs of magic." Lily stated, eager to join in.

Mira listened intently, finding common ground in their diverse backgrounds. "It must have been so shocking finding out about all this though, instead of just growing up with it" she remarked, a touch of sympathy in her voice. "I come from a pure-blood family so Hogwarts is basically tradition for me too" Marlene grinned, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes.

Mira couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and excitement. It was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, surrounded by new friends who she hoped to continue to grow closer and closer too. She smiled, grateful for the chance encounter that brought them all together.

Little did they know that their friendship would become the foundation of an unbreakable sisterhood, a force to be reckoned with. Through laughter, tears, and shared adventures, Mira, Lily, Marlene, and Mary would leave an indelible mark on Hogwarts, each weaving their own unique threads into the tapestry of magical history. And in the face of adversity, they would discover the power of unity, resilience, and the unyielding strength that comes from standing together.

As the flames crackled in the Gryffindor hearth, Mira couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. In this spirited gathering, she had found what she believed to be true friendship. And with a renewed sense of purpose, she knew that together, they would face whatever challenges Hogwarts had in store, emerging stronger and braver than ever before.

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