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As Mira walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, a shroud of darkness seemed to have settled upon the once vibrant castle. The imposing walls, once filled with life and warmth, now loomed ominously, casting long shadows that stretched across her path. It was as if the very essence of the school had absorbed the growing fear that permeated the wizarding world.

In the early years of her education, Hogwarts had been a sanctuary of joy and wonder. Laughter echoed through the halls, friendships were forged, and the pursuit of knowledge seemed boundless. But as dark times descended upon the magical community, Mira couldn't help but feel a growing disconnection, as if the world she had once known was slipping further away. The rise of dark wizards and witches, their malevolent influence seeping into every corner of society, had cast a pall over Hogwarts. The news of disappearances, attacks on muggles and muggle-born wizards, and the ominous whispers of a gathering storm had tainted the once vibrant atmosphere. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Mira to find the bravery she knew she needed to navigate these troubled times. Her heart weighed heavy with the burden of knowledge, the awareness that the world outside the castle walls had become a treacherous place. Fear gripped her, threatening to suffocate the flickering ember of courage within her. The thought of standing up against the rising tide of darkness seemed daunting, and in her current state of uncertainty, bravery felt like an elusive concept. Mira longed for the simplicity of the past, for the days when Hogwarts was a sanctuary untouched by the chaos of the outside world. But she knew that she couldn't hide from reality forever.

As hunger gnawed at her stomach, Mira couldn't help but be consumed by a sense of discomfort. The arrival of her period a couple of days ago had ushered in a wave of troubles, or at least that's how she attributed them. Every month, it seemed, the burden of menstrual pain and discomfort weighed heavily upon her. The constant need to maintain hygiene became an ever-present concern. Mira found herself seeking solace in frequent showers and washing, her body yearning for a sense of cleanliness. The dilemma of choosing between tampons, which brought their own discomfort, and pads, which left her feeling unclean, only added to her frustration. At this moment, that sense of uncleanliness overwhelmed her. It seemed to seep into her thoughts, tainting her perception of everything around her. The dull ache in her abdomen served as a constant reminder of the physical toll her body endured, amplifying her unease.

She had not intended to run into anyone as she walked through the corridors, gripping her stomach every now and then to try and massage away the pain. However, there he stood: Regulus Black, leaning casually against the wall with his dishevelled black locks falling over his intense eyes. Part of her wanted to pause and take a moment's respite from the persistent ache in her stomach, but the fear of awkward silences loomed in her mind.

She considered her options, her steps faltering for a moment. Should she approach him and risk an uncomfortable interaction? The idea of leaning against the wall next to him, seeking a brief reprieve, seemed tempting, yet fraught with the possibility of an uneasy silence. Mira weighed her desire for a momentary respite against the potential discomfort that might arise.

In the end, Mira took a chance, despite the unfortunate timing of her mind-numbingly painful cramps. It appears fate had conspired against her once again, choosing this very moment to make her physical discomfort nearly unbearable. She couldn't help but feel a touch of irony, as if the universe had played a cruel joke, allowing the cramps to surface just as she encountered another human being. She had been wandering aimlessly through the corridors for the past thirty minutes, hoping to find a moment of respite from the relentless pain. Yet, it seemed that her body had chosen this precise moment to unleash its full force. Every step sent a wave of agony through her, threatening to weaken her resolve.

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