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As the holiday break drew to a close, Mira found solace in the prospect of returning to Hogwarts. Those few weeks spent locked away in her bedroom, avoiding her parents at all costs, had taken a toll on her spirit. Communication had become scarce, reduced to mere fragments of words shared with her mother, while her father's indifference had become a bitter reality.

Gryffindor had become a wedge between them, deepening the cracks in an already strained relationship. Mira couldn't help but ponder how different things might have been if she had been sorted into a different house. Perhaps her parents would have acknowledged her presence, shown even a sliver of interest in her life. But such fantasies were futile now, as the divide seemed irreparable.

Returning to Hogwarts felt like a refuge, a place where she could find her own identity and escape the oppressive weight of expectations and familial disconnection. Not to mention her excitement over the start of her third year at Hogwarts. The Gryffindor common room buzzed with eager chatter as students reunited and shared tales of their summer escapades. Mira couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination, eager to leave behind the shadows of her strained familial relationships and embrace the opportunities that awaited her.

As she settled into her dormitory, the familiar faces of Marlene, Mary, and Lily greeted her with warmth. Their unwavering support and understanding became a lifeline for Mira, reminding her that true family was not always bound by blood.

Mira breathed a sigh of relief as she sank onto the cosy sofa in the Gryffindor common room, surrounded by her newfound friends. Marlene, Mary, and Lily gathered around her, their eyes filled with genuine concern and curiosity.

Marlene leaned forward, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "So, Mira, spill the beans! How was your holiday? You must have so many exciting tales to shares since you were obviously too busy to respond to any of our letters." She stated her lips forming a pout, there was an edge of hurt to her voice.

Mira's brow furrowed in confusion. "Huh? I never received any letters from you. I ended up spending the entire break holed up in my room, avoiding my parents. You know how they can be."

Marlene's pout transformed into concern. "Seriously? I sent you a bunch of letters, all handwritten by me of course." She said with a grin obviously not as hurt as she previously was "I wonder why you never got them."

Mary interjected, her voice sympathetic. "Perhaps there was an issue with the owl post. Sometimes the deliveries can go awry." She paused for a moment as If in thought "But Mira, why were you hiding from your parents? Did something happen?"

Mira's gaze shifted; her voice tinged with sadness. "It's nothing, they're just being dramatic. Still hung up over the whole Gryffindor situation"

"I can't believe they actually tried to sue Dumbledore for not letting them move you into Slytherin" lily said trying to hold in her giggle.

Marlene's eyes widened in disbelief. "They tried to sue Dumbledore. That's... insane! I mean are they even allowed to do that?" Her laughter mixed with Lily's as they exchanged incredulous glances.

Mira couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "Yeah, they were convinced that the sorting hat had made some mistake and that I belonged in Slytherin and that Dumbledore was behind all of it. I thought suing people was a muggle thing".

Mary shook her head, her expression a mix of sympathy and amusement. "Well, it's their loss, Mira. Gryffindor is lucky to have you. You're brave, kind-hearted, and fiercely loyal. Those are qualities that would make any Gryffindor proud."

Mira blushed, her inability to take praise showing. Marlene nudged her playfully. "Oh come on, Mira! Don't be so modest! You're our friend for a reason you know."

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