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A tall young man - seeming to be barely out of his teens with sandy blonde hair - hummed to the beat of the song blasting through his earphones as he strode on through the streets, paying no attention to his surroundings. He had traveled this route so often that it had become almost automatic, and he felt no need to observe the scenes he'd seen over a thousand times already.

A few feet behind him a cloaked, dark figure followed at a leisurely pace. He had been following the blonde man for some time now, and was patiently waiting for what he knew was to come. 

This one was marked, after all. And once marked, nothing could prevent the inevitable.

The young man, oblivious to his shadow, continued blissfully on to his destination, turning through a corner he knew well. There was a construction site taking up a portion of the sidewalk, thus turning it into a narrow walkway.Caution signs were plastered along the fence that marked off the site. The boy continued on. He was almost at the other end of the street, about to leave the area by the construction site, when there was a warning yell as the small crane's load of a stack of beams lurched and began to tip towards the sidewalk below, where the boy had stopped to tie his shoelaces. They began their fall, surely about to crush the boy, who had just finished tying his shoe, and was beginning to rise from his crouch. The beams would land before he would be able to move completely out of the way, especially as he hadn't heard any of the workers calling to him to move. The beams fell to the ground with  a deafening crash. The dark figure glided forward to see if the boy had been caught under them, only to stop a few feet away.

He was still alive, now sprawled on the curb, a brown-haired girl on top of him. She had somehow been able to push him far enough away from what should have been the end of his short life.

"Raina?!" He struggled to sit up, his bewildered gaze looking from the fallen beams to the girl clutching herself to him and the crowd of people who had gathered. She didn't answer, instead kept her fce buried against his chest, right above his heartbeat, her body trembling a little. A construction worker came up to them, looking down on the pair with concern on his face.

"She saved you there, boy. You weren't paying attention. If you had been further back, she wouldn't have seen you, and you would be dead. Are you both okay?" 

"I'm okay, and I think she is too. Just a few scrapes. Raina? Raina, are you hurt?" He lifted her face with his fingers. Her brown eyes were watery with barely held back tears, and she was calming down a bit. 

"I'm - I'm fine. I almost didn't make it in time. I almost lost you, Shay." She hugged him hard. They got up, dusting the dirt off themselves. "How many times have I told you to pay more attention?" she scolded. The crowd had dissipated,and as Shay apologised many times over, he guided her away from the site. Raina looked back over her shoulder.

The dark figure was still there, giving off an air of annoyance. He felt her looking and, when he turned his attention to her, he could've sworn she had managed to lock her brown eyes with his black ones through the shadows that covered his face from view by his hood.

Those eyes held within their depths a tiny spark of triumph. You can't. Not yet, they seemed to say.

He inclined his head slightly. We shall see, he conveyed in that one motion.


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