Chapter Five

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Two days later, Gray had approached me again with the same orders. I had been on my way home from visiting Shay at work half an hour before his work day ended that afternoon. Just before I'd turned into the corner  that lead to the street I lived on, a familiar form had separated itself from the shadows cast by the large ancient tree that grew on the curb. 

Gray waited for me to come closer, as I inevitably had to. Hoping I could get away with pretending not to notice him, I maintained my easy pace and began to pass him, humming a song to myself as I strove for a lackadaisical air. I thought I was successful until a hand grasped my shoulder firmly from behind.

"Raina." I froze, for the first time noticing that his hand had no warmth, though our bare skins were touching. This revelation was yet another reason to add to my growing list of reasons to sever all ties with him and re-immerse myself in the blissfully simple existence I had maintained up until now. I knew, however, that Gray would not cooperate with my wishes. He was persistent, and, from what I had seen thus far, was neither kind nor unkind, but rather did what he felt like doing at the time. And then an idea hit me. 

Who said I have to believe the nonsense he'd spewed from his lips? Turning around to face him, I pasted an overly cheerful expression, complete with a wide smile, on my face.

"Good afternoon, Gray. how have you been?" I asked in a friendly tone. Gray's black eyes narrowed at my uncharacteristic ebullience.

"You know why I'm here. This is your last chance." Taking a page from Shay's book, I cocked my head to one side with what I hoped was a thoroughly convincing expression of utter confusion, blinking blankly a few times to add to the effect. 

"Last chance for what? I'm sorry, but I don't remember what you're talking about."

"Oh really?" He took a step closer to me, annoyance written into every line of his body. "Are you going to play this game, Raina Carlisle?"He took another step towards me. I took a step back, my gaze held captive by his.

"What game? What are you talking about?" Gray's gaze hardened.

"Playing dumb doesn't look suit you at all." He reached out and captured a handful of my hair, winding the curls around his hand. Pulling on my hair, he forced me toward him. This guy really had a thing for invading people's personal spaces, didn't he? Clearly he hadn't been raised with any kind of manners instilled in him.

"I'll ask one more time. Will you become a part of the Grim Reaper Association, Raina Carlisle, and pay back your due?" Still locking gazes with him, I replied:

"Those things don't exist in the real world. Gray Immens, you are delusional!!" He leaned forward, putting his lips by my ear. Lazily, sensually, the bold bastard traced the outer shell of my ear with the tip of his tongue. Involuntarily, I shivered. 

"I warned you. Don't forget that", he whispered in my ear before abruptly vanishing.


I walked into my house a few minutes later still puzzled by that act which was yet another breach of common courtesy by Gray. Had he been raised by wolves or something? You don't just go around licking a mere acquantance's ears in public! Without even asking first! What really angered me, though, was that I wasn't quite sure I disliked it. Quite frankly, I didn't know how to feel about that encounter at all. 

It was only when I had already went up to my room, changed my clothing, and come back down to den did I notice the time. It was almost six o' clock in the evening, and my mom, who was a loan consultant at one of the bigger banks in our city-like town, wasn't home yet. 

She was usually here by five thirty at the latest, and would call if she was going to be later than that, as was the custom in our family. Deciding not to worry until six thirty, I settled down on the couch and powered up my laptop.  About ten minutes later, my cellphone rang. Thinking it was Mom, I answered it without checking the caller ID.

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