Chapter Two

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He was staring at me.

I could feel it, even though i was doing my best to ignore him. He was practically boring a hole into my back as I tried to study for the Biology test I had in about thirty minutes. I had no clue why he was staring at me either, just that he was, and had been for some time now

After I'd noticed him at the movie theater, I'd turned to ask Shay if he remembered seeing him at the library before. Shay, after looking in the indicated direction, had turned back to me with a puzzled expression.

"I don't see a guy dressed in all black over there", he'd said. Spinning to take a look, I saw that he had, indeed, vanished. I frowned, sure that he had been there just a few seconds ago.

Unless...No. That was not an option. Things that did not exist don't walk into libraries and flip through textbooks. I had tosssed and turned in my bed that night puzzling over whether or not I should be concerned over this enigmatic person; if he really even existed or was just a product of my imagination.

Now, the following Monday, merely thirty six hours later - give or take - he was once again in the same location as me. This time I was in a campus coffee shop and had been in here for over an hour already.

And guess who had come into the coffee shop about five minutes after I had finished my lunch?

No, not the mystery guy. It had been my current English professor. Mrs. Anderson was one of my nicer lecturers. She'd stopped by my table to talk about my last assignment while waiting on her order. As she left, I'd heard her greeting someone at the door.

"See you in class tomorrow", she'd said in her lively, bubbly way.

"Yes ma'am", had been the reply. The voice was masculine, with a rich tone that was just the right amount of deep, catching my attention as well as that of several other females around me. Looking towards the source of that lovely voice, I had frozen in recognition.

It was him. The potential-stalker. I had been relieved, in part, because if Mrs. Anderson knew him, and these other women around me were also staring at him, then he was most definitely real, and not, well...unreal.

So, he was real, he went to the same college as I did, and, for some reason, he kept showing up in places where I happened to be. And he was staring.

It's not like I didn't believe in coincidences, because I did. Things happened, and all that. But the way he'd automatically found me when he'd entered the cafe and the knowing smirk on his face told me that these encounters were no mere coincidences.

The question now was what to do next. Having a stalker was in no way a normal thing. Would I approach him directly or ignore him and hope for the best?

I didn't want to make direct contact with him. I just knew intuitively that even being acquainted with him was asking for a monumental shift in my carefully crafted normal life.

I would rather have a stalker, thank you very much. And so it was with great effort that I resumed my studying. I was now even more thankful that the cafe was new - not even a year old. There was no history here to add another unneeded distraction.

By the fifth time I had read the same page over, the empty chair across from me was pulled back by a slim pale hand. A leanly muscular body encased in full black clothing slid with catlike grace into the seat. The pale hands set down a large cup of iced coffee and a paper bag with the cafe's logo on it onto the small amount of empty table space left.

I looked up at this bold creature. His dark eyes locked with mine before he half-smiled and began to ever-so-nonchalantly sip on his drink - as if we were friends or something!

What. The. Fuck.

No, seriously, what the fuck was this? Who did that? Casually sit at a complete stranger's table without a word and just started eating? Who did he think he was?

"Who the fuck are you?" I demanded. He opened his bag - as if I hadn't just asked him a question - and pulled out a still-warm danish. And then this bastard took a bite of it and offered me some! Of all the strange-

"Thanks", I said, pulling off a piece of the soft pastry. Hey, he'd offered, hadn't he? I pushed the piece in my mouth, savoring it's warm sweetness. He cocked his head to the side slightly, amused.

"Gray", he said simply. I swallowed.


"My name Is Gray Immens. You asked, did you not, Raina?"

"How do you know my name? I don't know you! And why are you at my table? Are you stalking me?" Once again, he turned his attention to his danish.

"You looked lonely so I decided to allow you the privilege of my presence," was his arrogant reply. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want from me? You haven't even answered all my other questions." He leaned forward suggestively, bringing his pale face closer to mine. I, in turn, leaned back, not enjoying the invasion of my personal space. From this distance, I could really see the details of his handsome face. I, of course, took this opportunity to search for flaws, just because someone as attractive as he shouldn't be flawless. It would not be fair to the rest of us, now would it?

"What do I want? That's a loaded question, Raina Carlisle." He smirked. Again.

"Just answer it already!" I snapped, losing patience with this man who seemed determined to remain an enigma.

"It's really quite simple." He leaned even closer, creating an illusion of intimacy that had jealous looks coming my way. "I want you."

I surged out of my seat, quickly gathering my things. Angry, I turned and stormed away, saying as I left:

"I don't have time for games."

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