Chapter Six

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"Ray..." Shay had found me two days later sitting on the wooden two-seater swing hanging from the thickest branch of a large tree in our backyard swaying slowly, my mind elsewhere. I looked up as he steadied the swing with a hand and sat down next to me.

"Hey", I greeted without my usual cheeriness. Shay frowned.

"You haven't heard anything from the reapers yet?" he asked. I shook my head in answer, my gaze automatically going to the Reaper Mark on my hand. No one else besides Shay had seemed able to see it. This I had discovered after asking random strangers if they liked my new tattoo and receiving 'What tattoo?" (or something similar) as an answer. This was good news for me. I mean, sure several people now thought I was delusional, and probably on drugs, but now, I didn't have to explain the sudden appearance of a tattoo to my stressed father and recovering mother.

That was the last thing I needed right now. 

Next to me, Shay let out a small sigh. Looking up at my parents' bedroom window, he began pushing the swing to and fro gently with a foot.

"At least your mother's getting better every day."

"Yeah." I slumped against him, the slow swaying persuading me to relax. My mom was still in the hospital. I went to visit her whenever I could. Though my dad told me not to skip classes so close to finals, he didn't have the heart to force me to go to classes. I took advantage of that and didn't. It'd only been four days, after all. I got notes emailed to me by some of my classmates and one of my nicer lecturerers. Mrs.Mcallister sent us portions of whatever food she cooked with Shay a few times as well. It was kind of a relief that some other adu;t was around to help. Though, technically, I would be considered an adult by law, I was still a child in many ways. I'd known this for some time, but nearly losing a parent had emphasised this fact. 

I raised my right hand in front of us so that we both were able to survey the brand I now had there.

"I feel like I've sold my soul to a devil or something",I announced.

"At least it's a good looking one, Raina", replied a familiar, instantly irritating drawl from behind us. We turned our heads to see Gray, of course, leaning against the trunk of the tree in his usual all-black get up.

Oddly enough, the first thought to pop into my head after my initial faint surprise was that all this black gave him an angsty teen vampire kind of look, though I was beginning to get quite used to it. 

"Finally decided to show yourself, huh?" I said, annoyed. Gray sauntered over to the swing that was slowly swaying to a stop.

"Had to put in the paperwork for our partnership",he replied with a shrug. 

"Oh really?"

"Nah, not really. My supervisor will do that. I was off. Grim Reapers get time off every now and then, you know."

"Why? It's not like you'll work yourself to death", I replied, rolling my eyes.

"No, but it helps keep the weaker ones of us sane. Not everyone working with us is cut out for it."

"Really? That is fascinating!" Shay said, his face bright with interest. I jabbed him in the ribs. Why? Because I didn't like the idea of my best friend being fascinated with that possibly soulless creature of mythology. Irrational of me? Yes. I was not, however, inclined to rationality at this time.

"So, what do you want?" I asked. Gray had yet to appear before me without wanting something from me.

"Since we're now partners, I figured I'd show you the ropes and we could gain an understanding of each other. As a newbie, you are my junior. You'll have to conform to my way of working. So, let's go." Inwardly, I scowled. It was just like him to be so damned bossy. He didn't seriously believe I would be 'conforming' to his shit, did he? 

If he was, he was in for a rude awakening. I glanced at Shay to see if he had heard Goth Boy all but  demanding my obedience. Unfortunately, Shay, in that slightly annoying way of his, had gone off into  another place in his head. I disliked when he did this. It felt as if he had gone to a place that was barred to me; too far away for me to reach him. I didn't like the feeling of distance, it bothered me in a way nothing else ever did and always left me with a dull ache somewhere in my chest region. But at the same time, the dreamy expression he got on his face was heartwarming, as if he had gone to his happy place. I was loathe to deny him that simple pleasure.

"You want me to follow you around? Observe and take notes? That sorta thing?" I asked, feigning compliant interest.

"Precisely. I have a list I have to go through for today. We need to be on time."

"Shay." I nudged Shay gently. No response. "SHAY!" I nudged harder. He came back to earth with a jolt.


"Gray's taking me on a walk. For work. You okay with me leaving you to watch the house?"

"Oh. Sure" He glanced at Gray, a troubled look on his face. "Call me if you need me. I'll come if you do."

"I know." I smiled fondly, standing up. I leaned down to brush a kiss on his cheek. Shay's constant steadfastness warmed my heart. I then lead Gray to the side gate that lead from our backyard onto the street. He took his slow time, the arrogant ass. I stopped when I reached the sidewalk, waiting for him.

"Where are we going?"

"Margaret Summerville. Come." He held out his hand. I looked from it to his face questioningly.

"Why are you holding out your hand?"

"So you can hold it."


"I was going to teleport us. If you prefer to walk, we can do that, too. It's far though." I narrowed my eyes slightly in suspicion.

"Fine." I slipped my hand into his and flinched imperceptibly at the shock-like feeling I got. I'd read enough novels to know this too-cliche sign. Seriously? With Gray? The One Above must be playing games with me. 

There was no way in Hell, Heaven or on Earth, that I would feel anything resembling attraction or - God forbid! - love for Gray Immens.

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