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May 30, 2022. 3:34 PM.

"You always have to start these fights! You never let anybody explain! That's what's so damn wrong with you! That's why I'm fucking done, Sasha! I'm tired of you acting so fucking childish! You're a grown, 23 year old man, soon to be 24. Act like your age for once!" Jace yelled, looking directly at Sasha. His eyes showed his anger. Sasha looked down. "Look...I love you. I really do. But I can't deal with this anymore. Your jealousy is taking control of you and you keep doing things that I'm tired of you doing. Maybe it was the wrong thing for us to get married so early in our lives. You clearly don't love me enough to trust me..." Jace said to Sasha.

Sasha looked up at him. "N-No, I do love you! I love you so much, Jackson! I just...I can't...handle the thought of you being with someone else..." Sasha said to Jace.

"Sasha...that girl is my friend! You threw a drink on her and called her a whore! I wasn't cheating on you...but you clearly don't understand that. You keep acting like a damn child all the time and that's making me tired. I didn't get married to you just for you to start to ruin my personal life. I'm tired of this Sasha. I'm tired of all of it...maybe we should..." Jace looked at his ring.

"N-No...Jackson...please..." Sasha walked up to Jace, hugging him tightly. "Please...I-I can change..." Sasha said to Jace.

Jace grabbed Sasha's arms and unwrapped them from his body. "I'm sorry...but maybe we weren't meant to be..." Jace said to Sasha. He took off his ring and put it on the night stand. He grabbed Sasha's chin softly and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He then walked away, leaving Sasha alone in their home.

Sasha fell on his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Jackson..." He got up and walked to his bed. He screamed into his pillow, crying non-stop.

June 28, 2022. 9:23 AM.

Weeks passed and nobody had heard anything from Sasha. Jace was a bit active on social media but Sasha had disappeared from social media and public appearances.

Suddenly, MAKO got a call from Tae. "Hey babe. I just got back to Korea. I have a really bad feeling about something...I haven't heard from Sasha in weeks and I'm getting really worried...can you please meet me at Sasha's?"

"I'll be right there. I love you baby." MAKO said over the phone to Tae.

Not long after, MAKO and Tae arrived at Sasha's house. He knocked on the door and Sasha opened. Sasha hugged MAKO and Tae tightly, crying really hard.

"Sasha...? 괜차나?" Tae asked Sasha, concerned for him. He hugged Sasha tightly.

Sasha stepped aside and let them inside. MAKO sat down at the table with Tae next to him. Sasha sat across from both of them, his face showing so much remorse and melancholy. "What's wrong Sasha...?" MAKO asked softly.

"Jace and I...we got into an argument...and he's...he's leaving me..." Sasha said. Tears rolled down his colorless cheeks, his face lacking the warmth it used to have. He also looked as if he hadn't eaten in days. There were large dark circles under his eyes from the nonstop stream of tears.

"When was the last time you ate, Sash...?" Tae asked worriedly.

"I don't know...maybe 2 weeks ago...I really don't know...?" Sasha answered weakly.

"Makoto, stay here with him. I'll be right back." Tae said. He got his keys and walked outside to his car.

"How did this happen Sasha...?" MAKO asked.

Sasha started fiddling his thumbs, looking down at the table. "..i-it all started a few months our last show for our 2nd tour..."

January 12, 2022. 6:50 PM.

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