Thank You

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With Chapter 5 of the book being finished, we have officially concluded the story of my fictional KPop Group, FIRE. Ending this is very bittersweet for me. I loved the characters ever since I made them. I fell in love with their stories and the different personalities I created for them. It kills me to finish their story but every story has to have an ending. I wanted to give a thank you to all of those who read through the first two books and who were genuinely supportive towards me, sending me many kind messages. It encouraged me to develop these characters even more and develop a universe worthy of them.

I hope that this ending gives you all a sense of happiness for all the members. I know I felt especially happy writing their endings. I'm very grateful to everyone for giving me the opportunity to share my universe with you. I hope you enjoyed reading.

Sincerely, Winter Rose

FIRE: The End Of An EraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora