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Within the following first year, PK Enterainment debuted Tae and MAKO as a duo and Jace as a soloist, as well as a unit group with the three DREAM girls and the three FIRE Boys. The next year, Jace went into military service around the same time that Sasha, the year prior, joined the French Military.

Soon enough, the three years were over. Sasha had arrived from the airport with his hair barely grown in. He did a couple peace signs for the cameras and then he got inside of the company car. "Time to resume my idol duties." He said to himself. The car drove to the company and he found himself looking up at the building with nerves. He soon got out of the cat, his body guards gathering around him as he entered the building. He looked beside him and there he was - Jace - entering the building as well. They both headed to the meeting room and the other members were there. The manager of PK entertainment, Park Yoohyeon, was sitting across from them.

The woman greeted all of the members of FIRE with a smile and a warm greeting. "I'm glad to see all of you are healthy and together. Alright, so I would like to discuss all of your future schedules. MAKO and Tae have already recorded their parts in the new song. We're emailing you two a demo of the song along with the Line Distribution. Learn your parts and be back here tomorrow. We're already on crunch time. You two need to shoot concept photos, learn the choreography, and shoot the music video. So prepare for that. But, for now, all four of you need to go down to the practice room and start your first VLive as a full band since three years ago." She said softly.

"Will do. Thank you so much for the warm greeting, Mrs. Park. We will make you proud!" Sasha said gently.

The members nodded. They then they all headed down to the 5th floor, going to their personal practice room. They opened the door and everything was set up. A large table with four chairs, decorations behind them and the VLive phone in front. They all sat down and soon enough, the VLive started. They socialized with their fans, smiling and reading the comments on their phones.

An hour later, they ended their live and both Sasha and Jace pulled out their phones. They began to listen to the demo and read their parts, following along while reading the Korean parts. "I like this song." Sasha said softly.

"Me too. It's pretty, isn't it?" Jace said to Sasha, hoping he would respond.

"Yeah." He said dryly. He didn't seem to want to converse with the man that broke his heart. Soon, MAKO and Tae left the practice room, but both Sasha and Jace stayed. There were four separate individual rooms within the practice room. They both went inside their individual rooms, listening to the song and vibing.

After a couple of hours, Jace knocked on Sasha's door. "H-Hey...I was just wondering if you'd like to practice the song together with the instrumental that we were sent. We can play it on the large speaker." Jace said to Sasha.

Sasha looked up at him and nodded. "Sure. We can do that." He said softly. He got up and headed out to the practice room. Jace turned the music on and they began singing. Jace turned red at the sight of Sasha's graceful mannerisms and vocalizations. It was like he was falling in love with a person all over again.

Jace had written his own verse and rapped about Sasha without mentioning his name. He was really passionate about the boy he loved. Sasha listened to the lyrics that he wrote and teared up before doing his high notes. Jace was once again staring at Sasha in awe - always impressed with his ex husband's vocals and impressive skill and precision. Jace took a deep breath as there were parts where both of them harmonized together. He remembered how they used to harmonize together in past tracks and it would cause his heart to flutter. And this case was no different. Once again, he found himself entranced with the voice of his ex husband and completely in love once again. After the moment was over, Sasha walked back to his personal practice room and then took his things.

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