Uniqua's boredem. (Page 1)

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Page 1. Uniqua's POV:

Uniqua sat on her bed, bored. She had her brand-new Warrior cats book with her that her mom had  just bought for her and also asked and wanted her to read. I could be reading this new sick ass book my mom bought me. Uniqua madly thought, but she didn't want to read it, so she didn't. Instead, she grabbed her phone off  her bookshelf in her room. Uniqua's phone buzzed. Uniqua turned on her phone, it was Austin who was texting her. She unlocked her phone. "Hi Uniqua! How are you?" The message from Austin said. "Bored." Uniqua replied "I wanna do something, wanna go out with me...? Maybe the whole gang could go out with us?" Uniqua added. Then, Uniqua decided to go walk over to Austin's house. She did not tell him so it would be a surprise. In order to do that, Uniqua had to walk down the long stair way. "Why don't we buy a elevator!?" She thought. Then when Uniqua was about to open the door, her mom stood in front of her before she could open the door."Uniqua, where are you going?" Uniqua's mom asked. Uniqua groaned. "Austin's house..." Uniqua replied. "Ooh!" "No, mom! It's not like that... I don't like Austin! At least not like you think I do!" Uniqua yelled. "Now I'm leaving. BYE!" Uniqua opened the door, then slammed it. Her mom opened the closest window. "Be back by seven!" Her mom called. "No! I'll be back when I want!" Uniqua yelled, "Bye asshole!" Then Uniqua ran quickly to Austin's house, it was so easy for her to get there because it was right next to her, despite that fricking fence door thing. When she got to his door she yelled. "Open the Noor! Open the noor!" She said, trying to sound like that popular old guy from TikTok. "Okay Noor Girl!" Austin said through the door, then he opened it. Austin stepped outside. "You look nice today." He said. "Aww, thanks Austie! So do you! What's with the Tuxedo though?" "I'll tell you when we get in, I don't want the others to hear us! Also ... Lady's first." Austin said politely. He held the door open for her. Aww! How sweet! I know the others wouldn't do that for me... maybe? She thought. She entered the door, then sat on his couch, while Austin closed the door. Then he came to join her, sitting beside her. "So what what was that thing you wanted to talk about? Also... are your parents here?" "Oh, no they're not, why?" "I don't want them to hear us talking!" She replied. "Mmm, okay..." Austin said. He's probably wondering why Uniqua thought, Oh well because he ain't getting the fucking answer because I don't fricking tricking know. Unless he wants me to sing Nike kicks in front of his ass! "Why did you think I looked pretty? I'm wearing what I always wear; my overalls you silly goose!" Uniqua asked. "I don't know..." Austin said awkwardly. Uniqua knew he didn't know what to say. She assumed he liked her, but she wouldn't ask... just because SHE didn't want things to get weird either. "Want some tea?" Austin asked. "Sure, if you want some too?" Uniqua replied. Why does he want me to drink some frickin ass tea? She thought. Oh well. "Earl gray?" "Yes please, I will have some Earl-Gay tea please." Uniqua said, obviously trying to sound cool. "Yeah, I'll add some of Pablo's gayness to it." Austin jokes. "Sure."

*Austin and Uniqua on the ouchy couch!* :')

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*Austin and Uniqua on the ouchy couch!* :')

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