driving and fun (Page 4)

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Uniqua's POV:
Uniqua drove over to Austin's house, then parked herself in his driveway. "Open the noorrrr!" She said, knocking on the door. "I will indeed open the noor!" A voice called from behind the door, Uniqua had guessed it was Austin. The door opened, it was Austin. "Hi." I said. "Hi." He replied back. "Like I said earlier, Lady's big asses first." "I don't remember you saying that." I said, trying to flirt with him. "Ooh... well okay, if you insist." He told me. Then I entered the door, then put my hand on his shoulder, then removed it. I halted. Austin's parents were right there. "Hi Uniqua! How're you been lately?" His mom said, she looked very concerned. What the fuck Austin!? You never told me your fucking parents were here! I thought, I fucking am telling him this after. He owes me a fucking lot! Then I glared at them. "I'm fine thanks, you?" I said. "We're doing great!" Is that Austin's dad? Or is that his new Dad??? Step-dad is what it's called! How stupid of me! I honestly don't know if it's his dad. I'll ask Austin's ass later. I thought.
Uniqua's watch rang. It was 6:30? No wonder why she was hungry! "We better leave now mom, bye!" Austin said, grabbing my hand and running out of the door, locking it. "Is that your new Dad!?" I blurted out. "Yes, yes, yes! Why were you glaring at my parents though!?" He asked me. I decided not to answer, but to change the subject. "Why the hell did you not tell me your dumb parents were right  there in front of our fat ass faces!?" I asked. "I know they're dumb! Listen!... I couldn't tell you 'cuz they were right by me!" "Fine, I forgive you." I said, then I hugged him, more of a loving way this time. He hugged me back, I could feel his arms tighten on my back. Then we released each other. "See you there Uniqua!" Austin told me. "See you there." I said, happily. Then I unlocked my car, got in it, started it, and drove away. "What did Austin say!?" I asked myself out aloud, but it was okay to talk out loud because she knew no one was listening to her. "Eastern bridge street!" I said, finally remembering something other then fucking math or love. "We still have an hour before it opens-" Uniqua's words were cut off when her favorite song came on Ocean 98-5. It was called 'Wasted' by Carrie Underwood. "WAAAAAASSSSSSTTTTTTEEEEEEDDDD" Uniqua badly sang as she made it to the bar. Then before she parked 'cars' by Gary Numan came on. "Here in my car I feel safest of all!" It said. "Slay!" Uniqua said as she parked her car. Then, she turned off her car, slammed the door, and frickin' locked it. Then Austin parked his car on the right side of Uniqua's Bugatti. "I woke up in a new Bugatti!" Austin said to me. "But your Coupe's pretty cool!" I said. "Thanks." He replied back to me. Then Tyrone came up to Me and Austin. "Hi!" Tyrone said. "TYRONE! OMMMMMGGGG!" I yelled, then hugged him. "I missed you Tyrone! I know you were at your Grandmas' for a week," I said. "And Tasha was at a Hotel in Pieford." Tyrone finished for me. Then Tasha parked beside Tyrones orange Sedan. Tashas' car was beside Tyrones' RAM truck, Tyrones RAM was  beside Austin's purple coupe, and Austin's Coupe was beside my Bugatti. Then Pablo parked his  dark blue.    Hatchback Yaris beside my left side of my pink Bugatti. My heart started pounding when Pablo came out of his Yaris and walked up to me. I didn't think I would ever be very fond to P-Pablo... but I think I am. I thought to myself.  "Hi Uniqua, you look nice today." Pablo said to me. I blushed. "Th.... Thank you so much Pablo!" I said, feeling hot under my dress. "Okay... wanna go in?" Tyrone asked as he looked at Pablo's tuxedo. Tyrone, too, had a Tuxedo! "It's 7:00! We still have 30 minutes until we can go in, plus, they have to get the other people out at 7:30 so most likely like 7:40 or 50 is when we get in! That's like an hour!" Tasha said. No one had noticed Tasha was there until now, not even me. "TASHHHHAAAA! OMG YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!" I said. "You look better, all I am is in my yellow dress with blue flowers on it, nothing to special, but thanks." She told me. "Wanna go to that clothing store beside the Bar?" Tyrone asked, pointing to the clothing store right there. The clothing store for babies, as Austin says? I thought. "Fuck it! Let's go!" Me and  Tasha said at the same time. Then me and Tasha started speed walking walking over to the store. "Yaaas it's still open!" Tasha said as she opened the door. "Uniqua's first!" "Aww, Tasha, you shouldn't have!" I said, walking into the store. Then I ran so fast as I found 2 red dresses, Tasha also followed. "OH. MY. F-CK CAKING GOSH!" Tasha yelled. "IMA TRY ONE ON! Wanna try one on too?"  "Sure!" I said, as a grabbed one of the red dresses. Then the boys walked in. "I'm gonna try this on k Austin!?" I said. "O-okay." He replied. "Let me see it when your done!" He called as I started walking away. Guess it's not for babies after all! I thought.

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