The invites 💌😮💅❤️ (page 2)

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Austin's POV:
Hi, it's me Austin, the shy purple kangaroo you once knew from my famous tv show long ago back in 2005! I wasn't the main character, neither was Tasha, but I tried my best to be in the show when I could, on other days I'd be at my Dad's house far away from my purple friendly house here.

"Here's your tea!" I said. "Thanks!" Uniqua said, elbowing me. I smiled. "Bet it's made with extra care!" "It is." "Thanks bestie!" She said, then she drank her tea I had made for her. "It's really good! You do make great tea!" She told me. "I try my best, but I don't think it's that great." I say, looking away. I blushed a bit. "It is! Better then my mom makes! She puts leaves in it! Gross mint leaves in Earl Gray Tea! Now don't you think that's gross?" "Yeah, ... that is pretty gross!" I agreed. Mint leaves in tea? Really? Or is she just crazy? Oh, well. I love the way she reacts about stuff! So funny! I thought.

After she drank her tea, we started talking about things... trying to find common interests. "Do you know 'Warrior cats'?" I asked. "Yes, I do. Actually, my mom just bought me one earlier, I'm on 'power of three', the first book called 'The sight' I haven't read it yet though." "OMG! Really?" I excitedly asked. "Yeah, why?" "Because I'm on the same book too! Have you read it yet?" "No, I was bored... also lazy, I wanted to come see you instead of reading it. I don't even know what it is about yet.. have you read it?" "Yeah, I'm only page 20 though!" I replied. I couldn't believe she wanted to see me instead of reading her cat-book. "I remember Ty used to read those." Uniqua said. "Ty?" "Austin, it means Tyrone... at least that's what I call him." Uniqua laughed, I started laughing too. "He might still read them, I'm not sure." "Oh! We should ask him later!" "Later? Austin... what do you mean?" "Oh! I didn't tell you my idea like I was going to earlier... tea got in our way... LMFAO! Anyways, the idea was that we'd go to a bar... and have it all to ourselves! All 5 of us, just hanging out!" I said, I thought the idea was great, I'm just not sure if Uniqua would think it was the best idea. "OMG! That's the best idea I've ever head Austie! I should tell the others!!! I could call them on messenger!" Uniqua said, she was so happy. I was totally not expecting her to say that! That's amazing what she just said!!! I thought. "You call Tasha! I'll call Tyrone!" She told me. "Or Pablo...?" I asked. "Sure! But why don't you wanna call Tasha?" She said, placing her left  hand on mine. "Ehh ... I- Tasha wasn't nice to me that much when we were kids, Uniqua. Plus, I don't think I have her on Messenger.." I replied. "It's fine, go ahead, call Pabisha!" She said. (How to say it is: Pab-E-shuh) "Let me guess? Your new way of saying Pablo?" "You're right Austin! I also call him 'Pabs'" She told me. Then Uniqua pulled her  pink iPhone out of her front pocket of her overalls and unlocked her phone, she had a nice iPhone 14. I wish I had an iPhone 14! Instead I have the boring iPhone 12! I thought. Then I grabbed my phone off the miniature coffee table by the couch, and called Pablo. Uniqua was already calling Tyrone. "Yes! Come to the bar-" then Uniqua removed the phone off her ear. "Austin? Where is it?" "Off Eastern Bridge St. By that Shitty clothing store for babies." I said, trying to sound cool. Uniqua smiled. "Okay Austin Texas!" She joked, then she put her ear back on her beautiful pink iPhone. I was so jealous, I wanted a purple one! "It's off Eastern Bridge Street Ty! By that Shitty clothing store for Babies!" Uniqua said to Tyrone off the phone, copying what Austin had said. I smiled, and kinda blushed a bit. "Austin, what time should Tyrone be there?" She asked me. "7:30 PM!" I replied. "I already rented it out for a day, they have beds for us too... only 2 though! So we'll have to share, but they also have a chair!" I said. "Okay, I'll tell him." Then Uniqua told Tyrone what Austin had just said. Then when Uniqua was done calling Tyrone, I called Pablo. After I finished calling Pablo, Uniqua called Tasha. "Let's go get ready!" Uniqua said happily. "Also, I gotta go back to my house and get dressed into a better shirt then what I normally wear." Uniqua said. "Okay! See you soon!" I said as she walked towards the door... or the noor as she says. "Remember to say that open the noor meme when you get back okay?" "Okay... I will Nike guy!" She said, then she walked back up to me and gave me a hug. "Bye Austie, see you in like... I don't know, like an hour or so.. unless I could bring my lipstick and stuff with me back to your house?" She asked me. "Sure, what ever you want!" I said as I released her from the hug. "Okay, I'll get dressed there, (at my house) and come bring my make up over here maybe? Or I could call you while I'm gettin ready?" "Sure, how about you call me?" "Okay, I will... bye Austie!" She said, then she walked out of Austin's house and closed the door. "Maybe I should read my Warriors book? I do N O T want my mum getting mad at me because I didn't read my dumb ass book." I said out aloud, then Austin missed Uniqua's nice Rosie perfume scent. And the smell of her ass.

Austin was very fond of her... In fact, he wanted to be with her, and share bodies... but he couldn't yet, he had to ask her... then they'd have to date... and all that other crap.

The Backyardigans: The Funkin' party (1)Where stories live. Discover now